Entity | Johnson E. Fairchild

Alternate Names: Fairchild, Johnson E.
Occupation(s): administrator, broadcaster
Field(s) of Work: academic administration
Employer(s): Cooper Union
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 56
"Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind" 35
- A new concept of the mind, part one
- A new concept of the mind, part two
- Control of hate and violence, part one
- Creativity as conscious/unconscious, part one
- Creativity in Western religion, part one
- Creativity in literature, part one
- Creativity in science, part one
- Creativity in the Orient, part one
- Creativity: Normal or neurotic?, part one
- Creativity: Normal or neurotic?, part two
- Decline and fall of the West: Spengler, part one
- Economic implications of war and peace, part one
- Empathy and antipathy of Man, part one
- Intellectual love, part one
- Love of humanity, part one
- Love of humanity, part two
- Love, love, love: What is it?, part one
- Most of mankind, part one
- Mythology of love, part one
- Mythology of war and peace, part one
- Natural and unnatural violence, part one
- Philosophy of the free man's world, part one
- Psychological climate for peace, part one
- Pursuit of happiness, part one
- The age of our discontent, part one
- The causes of war, part one
- The creative eye, part one
- The development of creativity, part one
- The eclipse of reason, part one
- The great disenchantment, part one
- The moral problems of war and peace, part one
- The nature of creativity, part one
- The tragedy of modern Man, part one
- The will to believe: William James, part one
- What price civilization?, part one
Cooper Union forum 19
- #1 - Fall 1970: The Psychology of Tradition
- #10 - Fall 1970: Transplantation and Medical Devices
- #11 - Fall 1970: The Impact of Social Values on Psychotherapy
- #12 - Fall 1970: What Is Death?
- #2 - Fall 1970: The New Morality
- #2 - Spring 1970: Frustration and Dejection
- #3 - Fall 1970: Inward Journey: Schizophrenia and Mythology
- #3 - Spring 1970: Love and Hatred
- #4 - Fall 1970: The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual
- #4 - Spring 1970: Psychology Today
- #5 - Fall 1970: The Eclipse of Symbolism
- #5 - Spring 1970: Yoga
- #6 - Fall 1970: Reproduction: The Mystery of Life
- #6 - Spring 1970: Zen Buddhism
- #7 - Fall 1970: Languages and Linguistics
- #7 - Spring 1970: The Search for Nirvana
- #8 - Fall 1970: Whatever Happened to the Liberals and Why
- #9 - Fall 1970: Empathy
- Sample