Entity | E. W. Richter

E.W. Richter was a radio producer for station WBAA at Purdue University. Richter produced radio series including "Comment on a minority" and "Last citizen," and narrated series such as "Atoms for power".
Occupation(s): producer, broadcaster
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): Purdue University
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 46
Documents 1
Atoms for power 15
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Atomic propulsion
- From ore to atom
- International atom - Canada
- International atom - France
- International atom: England
- Oak Ridge experiment
- Pressurized water reactor
- Safety and health
- Sodium graphite reactor
- The economic atom
- The first pile
- The power picture
- The romance of uranium
- What the future will bring
Last citizen 17
- Changing image, part one
- Changing image, part two
- Churches, religious life, and church activities
- City and the worker
- Color and race
- Color and race
- Defense
- Intimidation
- Introduction
- Journalism and art
- Migration and urbanization
- Prejudice
- Protest
- The city and crime
- The present and the future
- The second school house, part one
- The second school house, part two