Entity | Vernon Bronson

Occupation(s): broadcasting executive
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Wikidata Record
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Wikidata Record
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 25
Documents 24
- Association for Education by Radio-Television, Organizational structure, circa 1952-1956
- Ausmus, Graydon, Correspondence, 1954-1956
- Biographical data on NAEB leadership, 1953-1965
- Committees Network Acceptance, 1952-1954
- Committees Network Acceptance, 1955
- Committees Publications, 1954-1964
- Committees Radio Network School, 1953-1956
- Committees, Research Seminar, 1952, January-September
- Committees, Research, 1958, January-April
- Committees, Research, 1958, May-December
- Committees, Research, 1961
- Executive Director, Policy statements, 1951-1973
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1959
- List of NAEB Publications and Recordings (November 1954)
- Membership, Directories, 1956-1957
- NAEB Region II Seminar Workshop Report (March 13-14, 1953)
- NAEB Television Operations Committee Reports - Survey of Educational TV Stations (September 1954)
- National Association of Educational Broadcasters Region II Seminar Workshop (March 13-14, 1953)
- Nigerian education and radio and television project, 1962
- Paulu, Burton, 1950-1960 (2)
- Region II, 1953
- Region II, 1959-1966
- Region III, 1953-1965
- The Needs of Education for Television Channel Allocations