Entity | Roy G. Francis

Roy G. Francis was born December 25, 1919. He served in the United States Army Air Corps from 1942-1945, and received degrees from various institutions, culminating with postdoctoral studies in mathematics at Harvard University. He held several professor positions at different universities before coming to the University of South Florida in 1974. During his tenure at USF, he served as Professor of Sociology and as Chairman of the Department of Sociology. He retired in 1993.
From the description of Papers, 1948-1993. (University of South Florida). WorldCat record id: 50683705Born: 1919
Alternate Names: Francis, Roy G.
Occupation(s): sociologist, university teacher
Associated Place(s): Florida--Tampa
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
University of Minnesota (WLB/KUOM) 30
Beginning German 2
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; unidentified program
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; Historical Geology; and The Living Language (University of Michigan Television Center)
Controlling Human Behavior 10
- A Still, Small Voice.... Subliminally Percieved by Virginia L. Senders, Lecturer in Psychology
- Controlling Classroom Behavior by Robert Beck, Professor of Education and Ned A. Flanders, Associate Professor of Education
- Economic control of human behavior, by O.H. Brownless, Professor of Economics, John S. Chipman, Professor of Economics
- Ethics and the Control of Behavior by Francis V. Raab, Associate Professor of Philosophy
- Psychological Warfare by Robert T. Holt, Assistant Professor of Political Science
- Robert C. McClure, Professor of Law
- Social Work and Social Change by Werner W. Boehm, Professor of Social Work
- The Informal Control of Everyday Behavior by Robert L. Hall, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Office of the Dean of Students
- The Role of the Press by J. Edward Gerald and Raymond B. Nixon, Professors of Journalism
- The Use of Drugs in Controlling Human Behavior by Gordon T. Heistad, Assistant Professor, Division of Clinical Psychology
Historical Geology 2
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: In The Shadows of Affluence: The Unemployed and the Unemployable; Historical Geology: Paleoecology
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; Historical Geology; and The Living Language (University of Michigan Television Center)
In the Shadows of Affluence 2
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses and Minnesota Private College Hour on KTCA-TV: Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; Ballet; In the Shadows of Affluence
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: In The Shadows of Affluence: The Unemployed and the Unemployable; Historical Geology: Paleoecology
Medieval and Renaissance History 3
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; unidentified program
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: Principles of Economics; German film; Explorations of Space; Social Statistics; Medieval & Renaissance History; Geology
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; Historical Geology; and The Living Language (University of Michigan Television Center)
Principles of Economics 3
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; unidentified program
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: Principles of Economics; German film; Explorations of Space; Social Statistics; Medieval & Renaissance History; Geology
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; Historical Geology; and The Living Language (University of Michigan Television Center)
Social Statistics 3
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; unidentified program
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA-TV: Principles of Economics; German film; Explorations of Space; Social Statistics; Medieval & Renaissance History; Geology
- Audio from University of Minnesota Television credit courses on KTCA: Principles of Economics; Beginning German; Social Statistics; Medieval and Renaissance History; Historical Geology; and The Living Language (University of Michigan Television Center)