Entity | Robert C. Albrecht

Occupation(s): broadcaster
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Chicago
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 13
World of the Paperback 13
- "Kibbutz" and "Children of the Kibbutz"
- "Three Negro Classics"
- Character types in literature
- Felix Frankfurter's "The Public and its Government"
- H.E.F. Donohue's "Conversations with Nelson Algren"
- Hugh Nissenson's "A Pile Of Stones"
- James Drought's "Gypsy Moths"
- Martin E. Marty's "The Infidel"
- Milton Friedman's "Capitalism and Freedom"
- Paul Goodman's "Growing Up Absurd"
- Saul Bellow's "Herzog"
- Tyrone Guthrie's "A Life in the Theatre"
- William H. McNeill's "The Rise of the West"