Entity | Gerald Bartell

Born: 1914
Alternate Names: Bartell, Gerald, Bartell, Gerald A., 1914- .
Occupation(s): broadcasting executive
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Wisconsin–Madison
Associated Place(s): Wisconsin
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
Appears in:
Wisconsin Public Radio (WHA) 167
- "Noble Prize Winners" [metadata record only]
- Alice Through the Looking Glass [metadata record only]
- Alice Through the Looking Glass-One of One [metadata record only]
- Alice Through the Looking Glass-One of One [metadata record only]
- Alice Through the Looking Glass-One of One [metadata record only]
- House at Pooh Corner [metadata record only]
- Reflective Readings [metadata record only]
- Reflective Readings [metadata record only]
- Reflective Readings [metadata record only]
- Reflective Readings [metadata record only]
- Reflective Readings [metadata record only]
- Reflective Readings [metadata record only]
- Reflective Readings [metadata record only]
Adventures in Our Town 26
- "Bobby Greenberg Becomes a Man" [metadata record only]
- "Girl Trouble" and "And You Know Who I Am" [metadata record only]
- "O'Reilley's Right Punch" and "Down the Road to our Town" [metadata record only]
- "The Army Lends a Hand" and "The Dounble A's are Born" [metadata record only]
- "The Team Meets the Rivals" and "Trouble Rides a Broomstick" [metadata record only]
- AStrange Bargain-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- All That Money Can Buy-Two of Two [metadata record only]
- Bob and Joey Put Their Heads Together-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Bobby Greenberg Becomes a Man-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Bobby Greenberg Becomes a Man-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Fff-Food for Friends-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Girl Trouble-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Girls with Two Faces-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Hitler's Mark-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Jim Celebrates Easter (Catholic Mass)-Three Parts [metadata record only]
- Movieland Mistakes-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Mr. Sheldon Shakes Hands-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Mrs. Barlow Sees the Principal-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- O'reilly's Right Punch-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- TheDouble A's Do a Broadcast-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- TheDouble A's and Veterans-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- TheFighting Farmer-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- TheHouse I Live In-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- TheSick Boy [metadata record only]
- Theatre Time-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Trouble Rides on a Broomstick-Two Parts-(Relationships in Living, Gr. 5-8) [metadata record only]
American Authors 1
Book Trails (Radio program) 46
- "Dog Offlanders" and "How Flying Affects You" [metadata record only]
- "Eskimo Hunter" by Florence Hayes-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- "Forgotten Finca" by C. Von Hagen-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- "Gulf Stream" by Ruth Brindze-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- "Hans Brinker" by Mary M. Dodge-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- "Hill of Little Miracles" by V. Angelo [metadata record only]
- "Jobie" by Helen Garrett-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- "One String Fiddle" by Erick Berry [metadata record only]
- "Strawberry Girl" by Lois Lenske-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- "The Very Good Neighbors" by I. Eberle-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- "Twig" by Elizabeth Orton Jones-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Adventures of Andris [metadata record only]
- Alanna-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Baby Whale Sharp Ears [metadata record only]
- Begging Deer [metadata record only]
- Bells of Amsterdam [metadata record only]
- Christmas 1 and Two of Two [metadata record only]
- Ciniese Ink Stink [metadata record only]
- Gabriel and the Hour Book [metadata record only]
- Gay-Neck, the story of a pigeon [digitized audio]
- Hello, the Boat!-Phyllis Crawford-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Homer Price-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Humpy [metadata record only]
- Humpy-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Jacques, the Goatherd [metadata record only]
- Jorge's Journey [metadata record only]
- Karl, the Elephant [metadata record only]
- Little Jungle Village-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Marcos [metadata record only]
- Number 14 the MOffats-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Number 18 Many Moons-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Number 20 : Merrylips [metadata record only]
- Pepperfoot of Thursday Market-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Rabbit Hill by Robert Lawson-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Riema, Little Brown Girl of Java [metadata record only]
- River Children [metadata record only]
- Smoky Bay [metadata record only]
- Sticks Across the Chimney [metadata record only]
- Story of Dr. Dolittle-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- TheAdventures of Pinocchio-Two of Two [metadata record only]
- TheHandsome Donkey [metadata record only]
- TheMagic Forest-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- They Came from Sweden [metadata record only]
- Tom Whipple-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Watching for Winkie [metadata record only]
- What Happened to Inger Johanne-Two Parts [metadata record only]
Chapter a Day (Radio program) 2
Civilians in Service 1
Easter Program 1
Let's Draw 1
Let's Find Out 7
- Laughing Farmers [metadata record only]
- Number 30 Wings [metadata record only]
- Number 4 Billy's Birthday [metadata record only]
- Number 5 Mr. Geranium [metadata record only]
- Number 6 Charlie's Circus [metadata record only]
- TheOther Mesa (Pueblo Indians) [metadata record only]
- [...] is a Hero [metadata record only]
Reflective Readings 8
- Many Moons (By James Thurber) [metadata record only]
- Number 19-Voegeli, Don (Organist) [metadata record only]
- Number 23-Voegeli, Don (Organist) [metadata record only]
- Number 27-Voegeli, Don (Organist) [metadata record only]
- Number 28-Voegeli, Don (Organist) [metadata record only]
- Number 5-Two Parts-Voegeli, Don (Organist) [metadata record only]
- Number 7-Voegeli, Don (Organist) [metadata record only]
- [No Title]-Voegeli, Don (Organist) [metadata record only]
Story of America 12
- "We Hold These Truths" and "Mr. Sam Adams of Boston" [metadata record only]
- Number 10 : Birth of the Union [metadata record only]
- Number 11 : Father of his Country [metadata record only]
- Number 12 : Turn of a Century [metadata record only]
- Number 14 : West to the Pacific [metadata record only]
- Number 15 : Hickory Jackson [metadata record only]
- Number 16 : The Roaring Forties [metadata record only]
- Number 3 : The Trappers [metadata record only]
- Number 4 : Colonists of England [metadata record only]
- Number 5 : Under Britain's Flag [metadata record only]
- Number 8 : with Washington's Army [metadata record only]
- Number 9 : The Land and the People [metadata record only]
Will Shakespeare Wrote It 1
Wisconsin Idea Radio Theatre (Radio program) 1
Wisconsin Yarns (Radio program) 37
- AMoses of the Mormons [digitized audio]
- Adventures without gunshot [digitized audio]
- America speaking [digitized audio]
- Bowie Knife Potter [digitized audio]
- Cornish Christmas [digitized audio]
- Dr. Trudeau [digitized audio]
- Ephriam [digitized audio]
- Frontier weddin' [digitized audio]
- Johnny Appleby's dream [digitized audio]
- Little brown bull [digitized audio]
- Lost on the Lady Elgin [digitized audio]
- Marbert, the Mad Muskellunge [digitized audio]
- Mrs. Rust's straw hat [digitized audio]
- Museum pieces [digitized audio]
- Museum pieces [digitized audio]
- Peshtigo half-light [digitized audio]
- Radio covers the Indian scare [digitized audio]
- Sparta bubble [digitized audio]
- Special performance [digitized audio]
- TheBallad of the Fightin' Finches [digitized audio]
- TheBelgians [digitized audio]
- TheDubay murder trial [digitized audio]
- TheWhitewater kiss [digitized audio]
- TheWisconsin angel [digitized audio]
- Theadventures of Albert [digitized audio]
- Theadventures of Gene Shepard [digitized audio]
- Thebadger saint [digitized audio]
- Theforgotten acid [digitized audio]
- Thegreatest show on earth [digitized audio]
- Thehappiest tree [digitized audio]
- Theliterary piano [digitized audio]
- Thestory of the Newhall House Fire [digitized audio]
- Welsh chorus [digitized audio]
- Wisconsin ballads [digitized audio]
- Wisconsin sounds [digitized audio]
- Wisconsin weather [digitized audio]
- Wisconsinites [digitized audio]