Entity | Leo B. Levenick

Alternate Names: Levenick, Leo B.
Occupation(s): administrator
Field(s) of Work: government, veterans' affairs
Employer(s): Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs
Appears in:
Wisconsin Public Radio (WHA) 25
Guide for Veterans (Radio program) 25
- Guide for veterans [digitized audio]
- October 28, 30, November 1 [metadata record only]
- Part One,2,Three of Three to Be Used October 21, 23, 25 [metadata record only]
- Programs 61, 62, and 63 [metadata record only]
- Programs 64, 65, 66 [metadata record only]
- Programs 67, 68, and 69 [metadata record only]
- Programs 73, 74, 75 [metadata record only]
- Programs 76, 77, 78 [metadata record only]
- Programs 88, 89, and 90 [metadata record only]
- Week of November 11, 13, 15 [metadata record only]
- Week of November 18, 20, 22 [metadata record only]
- Week of October 14, 16, 18 [metadata record only]
- Week of October 30, 28, and November 1 [metadata record only]
- Week of October 7, 9, 1one of 1946 [metadata record only]
- Week of September 30, October 2, 4 [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]
- [Guide for Veterans] [metadata record only]