Entity | J.S. Elfner

Occupation(s): broadcaster, landscaper
Field(s) of Work: landscaping
Employer(s): University of Wisconsin–Madison
Appears in:
Wisconsin Public Radio (WHA) 27
Homemaker's Program (Radio program) 17
- Ablade of grass is the journey work of the stars [digitized audio]
- Flowers that laugh to the sunny day [digitized audio]
- I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree [digitized audio]
- Improve and Enjoy Your Grounds : Build and Maintain Your Lawn-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Improve and Enjoy Your Grounds : Effective Results with Trees and Shrubs-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Improve and Enjoy Your Grounds : You'll Want Privacy and Service-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Improve and Enjoy Your Home Grounds : Dress Up Your Yard with Flowers-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Improve and Enjoy Your Home Grounds : Learn How to Plant and Prune-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Improve and Enjoy Your Home Grounds : a Workable Plan for Your Home Grounds-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- In home grounds improvement [digitized audio]
- Mrs. Elfner is Interviewed by Mrs. Hazard [metadata record only]
- Plan your home grounds for use and beauty [digitized audio]
- Put up a good front [digitized audio]
- Shrubs are beautiful and have many uses [digitized audio]
- Suggestions please! [digitized audio]
- This is my own plan [digitized audio]
- What we want to accomplish on the home grounds [digitized audio]
Improve and Enjoy Your Home Grounds (Radio program) 2
Let's Plan and Plant the Home Grounds (Radio program) 8
- Ablade of grass is the journey work of the stars [digitized audio]
- Flowers that laugh to the sunny day [digitized audio]
- I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree [digitized audio]
- In home grounds improvement [digitized audio]
- Shrubs are beautiful and have many uses [digitized audio]
- Suggestions please! [digitized audio]
- This is my own plan [digitized audio]
- What we want to accomplish on the home grounds [digitized audio]