Entity | John Fryman

Occupation(s): broadcaster, communication scholar
Field(s) of Work: communication studies, broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Texas at Austin
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 13
Musica Popular Mexicana 13
- #1 The History of the Music of Mexico
- #10 The Décima
- #11 The Music of Courtship in Mexico
- #12 The Chirimía
- #13 Dances of Conquest
- #2 Music of Chiapas Part 1
- #3 Music of Chiapas Part 2
- #4 Music of Tehuantepec
- #5 Music of the Mixteca Baja Part 1
- #6 Music of the Mixteca Baja Part 2
- #7 Mariachi
- #8 Music of the Mayo and the Yaqui People
- #9 The Corrido