Entity | Iowa State University

Inception: 1858
Alternate Names: Iowa State University, State University of Iowa., Iowa State University of Science and Technology., ISU Abkuerzung, Universitet shtata Aĭova, State University of Science and Technology, State University, Ames (Iowa). Iowa State University, Iowa State University of Sicience and Technology, University, Iowa. Iowa State University, University of Science and Technology, ISU, Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Universidad Estatal de Iowa, Iowa. State University of Science and Technology (Ames, Iowa), Aiovas universitāte, Iowa Agricultural College and Model Farm, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Iowa Agricultural College, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Iowa State College, Iowa State, IAState
Associated Place(s): Ames, United States of America, Iowa--Ames, United States--Iowa, Iowa
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 28
Roots of jazz 26
- 1923-43 with Duke Ellington
- Back to the beginning
- Big Bands: 1922-1935
- Big Bands: Hendersons
- Bop and 1940s progressive groups
- C'est la Congo
- Chicago: 1920 to 1925
- Chicago: Austin High Gang
- Chicago: Bix Beiderbecke
- Chicago: Oliver and Armstrong
- Final formulation of Dixieland
- Jazz pianists
- Modern jazz
- Negro spirituals
- Negro work songs and blues
- New Orleans renaissance
- New Orleans: King of jazz
- New Orleans: The early years
- New Orleans: White jazz
- Piano: Ragtime to Boogie
- Small band jazz to 1930 in New York
- Swing
- Swing in small groups from big orchestras
- Swing, continued
- Up the Mississippi
- Vocal tradition in jazz