Entity | Oliver Osterberg

Oliver Osterberg was a radio broadcaster for station KUOM at the University of Minnesota. He worked on series including "Sense of the World" and "Our Living Language".
Occupation(s): broadcaster
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Minnesota
Appears in:
University of Minnesota (WLB/KUOM) 113
Following Conservation Trails 18
- Browse Land
- Cabins in the Clearing
- Earth's Bounty
- Far Horizons Calling
- Freeze-Out
- From Rivulets to Mighty Rivers
- Marshland Homes
- Nature's Partners
- New Horizons
- Our Glacial Heritage
- Out of the Wilderness
- Pulpwood Magic
- The Heritage We Hold
- The Realm of the Wild
- The Vanishing Frontiers
- Tomorrow's Harvest
- Tree Crops of Tomorrow
- Wings Along the Flyway
Our Living Language 75
- A Tuneful Land
- A World in Processes
- Constructed Languages
- Crowded Words
- Empty Words
- English as a World Traveler
- Esthetics in Language
- Every Man His Own Grammarian
- Following the Language
- From Jarvis to Lake
- Fun and Games
- Gadgets of Language
- He Doesn't Know a Hawk from a Handsaw
- I Thought You Said...
- If I Could Talk to the Animals
- John Talks to Mary
- Language Brings Us Together
- Language We Speak
- Language and Nationality
- Language and Race
- Language and Religion
- Language in Contact
- Language of Love
- Law or Free Choice?
- Let's Start With Chinese
- Listen to Language
- Listen to the Warm
- Live Words
- Logic in Language
- Love of Language
- Man Apes Himself
- Mr. White Loves Whales
- Not Everyone
- Not Speaking and Speaking
- Not-So-Hidden Persuaders
- On Whether Pigs Have Wings
- One Language After Another
- Our First Speaker This Afternoon...
- Peace" Isn't Spelled "P-I-E-C-E
- People, Not Words, Have Meaning
- Plain Talk is An Art
- Say, "Ahhh."
- Sentences Come First
- Short Cuts
- Showing the Fly How to Get Out of the Bottle
- Sounds That Trip on the Tongue
- Speak the Speech, I Pray You
- Speaking and Writing
- Speaking as a Unique Kind of Experience
- Sub-Languages
- Talking Down and Reading Up
- That's Debateable
- The Grammer of Gossip
- The Juvenile Touch
- The Last Word
- The Lilt of Language
- The Many Uses of a Word
- The Origin of Language
- The Original Word Game
- The Romance of Words
- The Spoken vs. the Written Language
- The Useful Use of Words
- The Word is Not the Thing
- Tort, Codicils and Objections
- Town and Country
- Two to Duluth
- Using Words to Inform
- We Live Suspended in Language
- Who's Listening?
- Who's Speaking?
- Whose What?
- Writing and Speaking
- Writing to Communicate
- Writing to Stimulate
- You've Got to Know the Territory
Sense of the World 17
- A Sense of Rhythm
- Far Away Things
- From Chuckles to Laughter
- High on a Peak
- Oh, To Build a Building
- Once Upon a Time There Was a Story
- People and Personalities
- The Clouds Pile High
- The Far East Speaks
- The Melody of Poetry
- The Play's the Thing
- The Smaller the Better
- What is the Thing I See?
- What's Old to them May be New
- Wind-Blown, Storm Tossed
- Words Swish and Boom, Clatter and Zoom
- Words or Sounds