Entity | Roy C. Vogelman

Occupation(s): broadcasting executive
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Wisconsin–Madison
Appears in:
Wisconsin Public Radio (WHA) 25
Let's Draw 1
National Farm and Home Hour (Radio program) 1
Repeat Performance 1
Young Experimenters 7
- "Floating Airfields" [metadata record only]
- Light Makes Things Visible-Two of Two [metadata record only]
- Number 16 : The Gasoline Engine (From Unit: Power for Flight) [metadata record only]
- Number 29 : Archimedes and his Experiments-Two Parts [metadata record only]
- Number 8 : Langley, the Man Who Nearly Flew [metadata record only]
- Series 3-Number 23 : Thomas Edison and the Red Whiskers [metadata record only]
- Series 3-Number 28 : Water's Not Only for Drinking [metadata record only]