Entity | Art Lewis

Art Lewis was a radio broadcaster for station WHA at the University of Wisconsin.
Occupation(s): broadcaster
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Wisconsin–Madison
Appears in:
Wisconsin Public Radio (WHA) 39
1945 Football Series 1
Farm Program (Radio program) 2
Fit For Service 6
- "The Beloved Physician" [metadata record only]
- Now and Tomorrow-One of Two [metadata record only]
- Program 7 : from Taps to Reveille [metadata record only]
- Program Number 8 : We Watched Them Grow-Two of Two [metadata record only]
- Series 2, Number 9 : Take-Off to a Good Day [metadata record only]
- TheNoon Rally [metadata record only]
Homemaker's Program (Radio program) 2
Story of America 12
- "- Parties and People" and "Clothes for the Wedding" [metadata record only]
- Number 1 : Land of the Western Seas [metadata record only]
- Number 18 : The Storm Breaks [metadata record only]
- Number 19 : That the Nation Might Live [metadata record only]
- Number 2 : Gold Hunters of Spain-One of Two [metadata record only]
- Number 2 : Gold Hunters of Spain-Two of Two [metadata record only]
- Number 21 : The Nation's Wounds [metadata record only]
- Number 23 : The Wizard of Menlo Park [metadata record only]
- Number 24 : Outposts of America [metadata record only]
- Number 25 : Big Stick Teddy [metadata record only]
- Over There [metadata record only]
- Story of America Program 29 [metadata record only]
The Story of America (Radio program) 1
Wisconsin Stories 6
- ATreasure Hunt in the Wilds-One of Two [metadata record only]
- ATreasure Hunt in the Wilds-Two of Two [metadata record only]
- Number 6 : Men of the Bateaux-One of Two [metadata record only]
- Number 9 Men of the Plow and Polka-Two of Two-Lewis, Art| Voegeli, Don (Organist) [metadata record only]
- TheMonster That Shaped a Face-One of Two [metadata record only]
- TheMonster That Shaped a Face-Two of Two [metadata record only]