Entity | Milton Bliss

Occupation(s): broadcaster
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Wisconsin–Madison
Appears in:
Wisconsin Public Radio (WHA) 25
Farm Program (Radio program) 21
- 31st annual Junior Livestock Exposition [digitized audio]
- 32nd Annual Junior Livestock Exposition [digitized audio]
- Class demonstration [digitized audio]
- Clean plowing contest, Sheboygan County [digitized audio]
- Double cropping will boost your feed supply [digitized audio]
- Farm Field Day [digitized audio]
- Farm Folks Field Day [digitized audio]
- Farm program [digitized audio]
- Farm program [digitized audio]
- How will oleo tax repeal affect Wisconsin dairying? [digitized audio]
- Modern farm water system [digitized audio]
- Potato conditions in Wisconsin [digitized audio]
- Potato crop [digitized audio]
- Sheep and swine clinic [digitized audio]
- TheBrannan Plan [digitized audio]
- Theinsect outlook [digitized audio]
- There is still time to lime [digitized audio]
- Thesituation as I see it [digitized audio]
- Thesituation as I see it [digitized audio]
- What's happening to Wisconsin farm families? [digitized audio]
- What's new in growing vegetables [digitized audio]