Entity | Dave Hammond

Dave Hammond was a radio broadcaster at Northeastern University's radio station. He was the announcer for the series "The urban confrontation".
Occupation(s): broadcaster
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): Northeastern University
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 52
The urban confrontation 52
- Program #1 Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
- Program #10 Hubert Humphrey
- Program #11 Elma Lewis
- Program #12 The View from Urban America
- Program #13 Dick Gregory
- Program #14 The Affluent Society Re-examined John Kenneth Galbraith
- Program #15 Welfare in America: $5500 or Fight George Wiley
- Program #16 Our Mass Media - Assault on the Amerikan [sic] Mind"
- Program #17 Down to Earth
- Program #18 Does city hall have the answer?
- Program #19 Dr. Barry Commoner: The Price of Pollution
- Program #2 Margaret Mead
- Program #20 The wave of the future: The young teachers in the big cities
- Program #21 Elma Lewis
- Program #22 The Film and the City Frederick Wiseman
- Program #23 The new politics: Back to the grass roots Senator Lowenstein
- Program #24 A Black Man in City Hall: Richard Hatcher Sounds Off
- Program #25 Power to the People Saul Alinsky
- Program #25 Ralph Nader speaks out on Profit vs. Safety
- Program #26 Law School
- Program #27 Changing America: Birch Bayh and Electoral Reform
- Program #28 Revolution in America
- Program #29 Citizens of the 70's: The New American Man Dr. Carl Rogers
- Program #3 Kevin White
- Program #30 Political Symposium
- Program #31 Attack on the Life Cycle: Pesticides Since Silent Spring Frank Graham
- Program #32 Hunger in America - A Curse on an Affluent Nation
- Program #33 Wave of the Future: The Young Teachers in the Urban Centers
- Program #34 The Woman's Liberation Movement in America
- Program #35 Humans Rights in the World Context Rita Hauser
- Program #36 Heroin Addiction: The Long Road Back
- Program #37 The Printing Press vs. The Microphone: Getting Out the News
- Program #38 Black Liberation: The Struggle in America Betty Shabazz
- Program #39 Transportation 1984: The inner city
- Program #4 The Committed Generation Saul Alinsky
- Program #41 The Modern Policemen: Changing Attitudes in a Moving Society
- Program #44 The Drug Scene: From the Ghetto to the Suburbs
- Program #45 The Housing Hassle: Landlord vs. Tenant
- Program #47 Communications and the Black Revolution: Searching for a New Drum
- Program #48 The Trauma: Mental Life and City Life
- Program #49 Man vs. Machine in 1984: A Struggle for Survival
- Program #49 The Trauma: Mental Life and City Life
- Program #5 Julian Bond Civil War in the Cities: Can It Happen?
- Program #50 Arthur Ashe: The Dilemma of the Black Athlete
- Program #51 The Student Movement Today: Build or Bomb Edward Kennedy
- Program #52 Man and the Motorcar: The Transportation Question
- Program #6 Jimmy Breslin
- Program #7 S.I. Hiyakawa
- Program #8 What's Happening to American Blacks?
- Program #9 Dr. Benjamin Spock
- Program: # what must we do what can we do? Walter Mondale
- Program: #52 what do we have and where are we going? John Holt