Entity | Walter Brody

Walter Brody was a radio producer and the Assistant Director of station KUOM at the University of Minnesota. Brody worked on series including "Look What We Found" and "Following Conservation Trails".
Occupation(s): program director
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Minnesota
Appears in:
University of Minnesota (WLB/KUOM) 126
Chimera Theatre 1
Following Conservation Trails 44
- A Stitch in Time
- Along the Gunflint Trail
- Beau Brummel of Field and Meadow: Pheasant
- Beneath the Snows of Winter - Fish Survival
- Bounty of the Green Harvest
- Browse-Land Harvest
- Dark Hour Marauders: Raccoon, Gopher, Opossum
- Discovering the Secrets of the Underwater World
- Firespotters on the Alert
- Fish Scale Legends
- Fleetfoot of the Brushpatch: Rabbit
- Follow the Flyways: Duck, Goose, Crane
- From Riverlet to Mighty River
- Guardians of the Wild
- Kings of the Water World
- Leaves From Nature's Story Book
- Links in the Chain of Living
- Living Room: Principles of Wildlife Conservation
- Lodestone of the North
- Nature's Partners
- New Chapters in That History
- Our Fine Feathered Friends
- Players on the Stage of History
- Plowland Magic
- Roots in the Land
- Saga of the Green Giants
- Sanctuary
- Steamboats at the Early Landing
- Strangers in the Land
- Stump Land
- The Earth's Life Layer
- The Magic of Research
- The Thirsty Earth
- They Too Have Their Place: Snake, Turtle
- They Too Shall Serve: Bunting, Finch, Sparrow, Hummingbird
- This is Our Heritage
- Travelers of the Skyways
- Ways to Good Fishing
- Wetland Bounty: Ducks, Puddlers, and Divers
- Wildlife Need Not Vanish
- Wildlife Nemesis: Mink, Skunk, Weasel
- Winged Minstrels of Woods and Fields: Wren, Thrush, Bluebird
- Winged Omens of Good Will: Gull, Tern, Dove
- Wings Against the Sky
Historical Minnesota 16
- From Chippewa Farmers to Cooperatives
- Masters of the Mesabi
- Minnesota's First Business - Furs!
- Prehistoric Minnesota: The Birth of a Giant
- Setting Sail on the Great Lakes
- Story of the Polio Epidemic: 1946, A Miracle of Skill
- The 20,000 Year Old Man
- The 20,000 Year Old Man
- The Great Inland Sea: The Story of Lake Agassiz
- The Merritt Brothers and Iron Ore
- The Start of the Grange: Oliver Kelly Calls a Meeting
- The Story of Taconite
- The Story of the Mayo Family: Tornado in Rochester
- Wheat Fields to Railroad Tracks
- Wheat Milling in Minneapolis
- Wheat Milling in Minneapolis: The Man Who Started a Revolution
If You Lived in Colonial America 1
Look What We Found 31
- A Bakery
- A Call From the Wild, Mildred
- A Carillon
- A Clinic That's For The Birds
- A Cover Up at the Met
- A Dog Sled Team
- A Houseboat on the Mississippi
- A Hypnotist
- A Jam Session
- A Karate Class
- A Music Museum
- A Pet Cemetary
- A Photojournalist
- A TV Station
- A Theatre By And For Young People
- A Tower, But No Inferno
- A Tugboat
- A Violin Repair Shop
- A Way Back
- An Ambulance Ride
- An Inventor
- An Old/New Trolley Line
- Another Way to Go From Minneapolis to St. Paul, tour of station KUOM
- At The Federal Reserve Bank
- At The Zoo
- Forest Fire-Fighters
- In A Vietnamese Kitchen
- Opens, Closes (Program intros, looped)
- People Throwing Pots
- Shoes For Horses
- The United State Weather Bureau
People Worth Hearing About 7
- Harriet Tubman
- Interview with Arvonne Fraser, woman's rights activitst
- Interview with Dorothy Finkelhor, Educator and Founder of Point Park College in Pittsburgh
- Interview with Lewis Whitlock, dancer
- Interview with Louis Whitbeck Fraser, educator and innovator in special education
- Interview with William Hensley, Alaskan State Senator
- Robert Samples
The Earth's Circle 14
- Hidden Laiva (Finland)
- Mr. Crow Takes a Wife (Alaska)
- Reynard the Foc and the Sorceror's Apprentice
- The Faery Flag
- The General's Horse (Spain)
- The Golden Crane (Japan)
- The History of the Tom Thumb (England)
- The Jolly Tailor Who Became King (Poland)
- The Magic Monkey, The Lion and the Camel (India)
- The Priceless Cats (Italy)
- The Princess and the Jose (Mexico), The Tiget and Anansi (West Indies)
- The Talk Pot, The Lad Who Went to the North Wind (Scandinavia)
- The Twelve Months (Czechoslovakia)
- The White Dove (Argentina)