Entity | Andrew Marlow

Andrew Marlow is a former radio producer for station KUOM at the University of Minnesota. Marlow produced numerous programs for KUOM, including interviews and lectures.
Alternate Names: Marlow, Andy
Occupation(s): broadcasting executive, Radio producers and directors--United States
Field(s) of Work: broadcasting
Employer(s): University of Minnesota
Associated Place(s): Minneapolis (Minn.)
Appears in:
University of Minnesota (WLB/KUOM) 375
- "Grounds for Hope," the Guy Stanton Ford Lecture from the University Graduate School given by Lord C.P. Snow
- A View of Northern irleand with Dr. John Kirkaldy
- A. Carl Leopold, The Act of Creation
- Angela Davis discusses apartheid in South Africa
- Astronomy: Public Support of Science for Science's Sake by Freeman Dyson, author and physicist
- Biomedial ethics with Daniel Callahan
- Black History Month with Ralph Crowder, David Taylor, and Arthur Hill
- Can Our Political System Survive the Press by syndicate columnist David S. Broder
- Capital needs for energy, housing and infrastructure
- Changes in Family and Gender Roles After WWII
- Changing Education by Denis Doyle, Director of Educational Policy, American Enterprise Institute
- Children and Ethical Conflict with Robert M. Coles
- Conference on World Population Growth with Joseph Speidel, Vice-President of the Population Crisis Committee
- Congressional Reform and the Cycles of Power: Will the Resurgence Last? by Professor Lawrence Dodd of the University of Texas at Austin
- Corporate Power with Ralph Nader
- Crime Victims with speaker Janet Barkas
- Defense and Strategic Balance
- Dr. David Owen, leader of Britain's Social Democratic Party
- Dr. Gary Orfield, "Congress, The Carter Administration and Domestic Policy"
- Dr. Jerry Hough, Brookings Institution and Duke University speaking on Soviet leadership
- E.F. Schumacher, "Small is Beautiful"
- Economics of the Arms Race by Kenneth Galbraith
- Energy Supply: Past, Present, and Future by Dean Abrahamson
- Ethos and the Environment: Creating Common Ground Where Values Conflict with Tom Vagish, Professor of English at the University of Maryland
- Eugene McCarthy, A Thanksgiving Preface: Politics and Religion
- Europe Towards 2000: Issues, Trends, with Maitland Stobart
- Fiddler's Convention
- Financing and Summary
- Foreign Policy with Harlan Cleveland
- Government Secrets and the First Amendment: How Free is the Press? Flloyd Abrams, constitutional lawyer
- Harrison Salisbury, The Long March and Contemporary China
- High Schools in the 1980s with Theodore A. Sizer
- History and Mystery in United States Relations with the USSR, PRofessor Marshall D. Shulman
- Hotbed in the Middle East with Philip Habib, #2
- Hotbed in the Middle East: Prospects for Peace with speaker Philip Habib
- How Old Is Old, with James E. Birren, PhD., Executive Director, Andrus Gerontology Center and Dean of the David School of Gerontology
- Hubert H. Humphrey's funeral, 1
- Hubert H. Humphrey's funeral, 2
- Human Rights and the International Arms Race with Ramsey Clark, United States Attorney General
- Immigration and Refugees: We Need a National Policy Now! by Father Theodore Hesburgh, President of Notre Dame
- Implications of Interspecies Communications with Harvey Sarles and Gerald Sieger
- International Tourism: Boon or Bane for Developing Nations with Edward Will of Carleton College
- Interview with Donald Mount, Director of the Environmental Protection Agency's Water Quality Laboratory in Duluth
- Interview with Gus Hall, presidential candidate of the Communist Party of the United States of America
- Introduction: Is God on the Side of the Poor? with Jose Porfirio Miranda [2/2]
- Ireland with Bernadette Devlin McAlisky
- Is God on the Side of the Poor? with Jose Porfirio Miranda [1/2]
- Isaac Singer
- Issues involved in feeding the world's four and a half billion people with Jack Nelson and Norman Borlaug
- Japanese Industrial Policy
- Jehan Sadat, widow of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat speaking about "Peace in the Middle East" at the University of Minnesota
- Jerry Hagstrom, author
- John Archbishop Roach on the Bishops Pastoral Letter on Nuclear Arms
- John Boland, Chairman of the Metro Council State of the Region Address
- John Brantner, conference on families, keynote
- John Kenneth Galbraith speaks at the 100th Anniversary of the St. Paul Public Library
- Kolshorn Memorial Lecture with Stewart Udall
- Labyrinths of Power with Mulford Q. Sibley
- Labyrinths of Time with Roger Jones
- Lawrence Reddick speaking about Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Lecture by former Secretary of State Alexander Haig [1/2]
- Maggie Kuhn and John Brantner, "The Sickness of Ageism
- Malcolm X, Revolutionary Fighter with August Nimtz, professor of African American history
- Military Force and United States National Security [1/2]
- Military Force and United States National Security [2/2]
- Minneapolis Justice: The Black Perspective," with Gleason Glover, Executive Director of the Minneapolis Urban League
- Minnesota Agricultural and Agribusiness by Dr. G. Edward Schuh, Professor and Head, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics
- Minnesota's Economy
- Minnesota's People
- Mulford Q. Sibley, Political Responses to Poverty
- New Conservative Movement and the 1980 Election with Seymour Martin Lipset
- Nikos Dimitriou, Ambassador of Cyprus to the United States
- Nobel Conference, The Limitations of Medicine as a Science by Lewis Thomas
- Northern Ireland Today with James Prior
- Observations from the Road with Charles Kuralt
- Patriotism and the Left: Toward an American Identity by Harry Boyte
- Paul McCracken, "Can the United States Regain Its Capacity for Orderly Economic Expansion?"
- Personal Labyrinths with John Brantner
- Politics and the University with Seymour Martin Lipset
- Power Plays: How To Deal Like a Lawyer, with John M. Striker, lawyer; and Andrew O Shapiro, author
- President C. Peter McGrath speaks with international students from Africa
- Press and Privacy with Professor Arthur Miller, Harvard Law School
- Racism and its Psychological Effects with Dr. Alvin Poussant
- Richard Leaky, The Origins of Man
- Robert Jay Lifton, "Beyond Nuclear Illusion: The Turn Toward Awareness
- Science and the Law: The Misunderstood Alliance by Lee Loevinger
- Self-Concept with Ray McGee
- Senate Debate with Dave Durenberger, Helm, and Short
- Sisseton Wahpeton claims, interview by Andy Marlow
- Sovereignty and Indian Leadership with Oren Lyons and Ada Deer
- Surviving the 80s with speaker Richard J. Barnett
- The Bretheren in the 1980s with Scott Armstrong
- The Challenge of Ethics on the Market Place with Ivan Hill and Sidney Hyman
- The Challenger Spacecraft Explosion
- The Changing Genetic Scene with V. Elving Anderson
- The Death Penalty with Delbert Tibbs, former death row inmate
- The Defense of America with speaker John Vessey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- The Encouragement of Unfashionable Pursuits by Freeman Dyson
- The Ethics of Presumed Consent with Arthur L. Caplan and panel
- The Future in Space with Thompson and Gordon
- The Great Hazardous Waste Scandal by Hugh Kauffman, Director of the Environmental Protection Agency
- The Great Lakes [1/3]
- The Great Lakes [2/3]
- The Great Lakes [3/3]
- The Human Mind After Darwin with speaker Irving Stone, novelist
- The Management of Peace with Harlan Cleveland
- The Oregon Energy Strategy: The Competitive Value by Joel Schatz
- The Real Freedom - The Freedom to Know with Harrison Salisbury
- The Russian Revolutionary Spirit Lives on in Art by Harrison Salisbury
- The United Nations Should Try Harder and So Should We with Harlan Cleveland
- The United States - Soviet Standoff with speaker Helmut Schmidt [1/2]
- United States - Japan Agricultural Trade with Clayton Yuetter
- United States Asian Policy by Vice President Walter Mondale
- United States Support for Authoritarian Regimes by Michael T. Klare, Institute for Policy Studies
- Uselessness of Military Power by Mulford Q. Sibley
- Vine Deloria, professor of political science at University of Arizona, Tuscon speaks American Indian leadership
- Walter Mondale, "Domestic Policy Decision under Jimmy Carter"
- Walter Mondale, "International Relations under Jimmy Carter"
- William Appleman Williams, The Real Crisis of Democracy
- Women and Society with Elizabeth Janeway, feminist author
- Women in Development with Arvonne Fraser
- Women in Law with Rosalie Wahl, associate justice, Minnesota Supreme Court
- Work-Stress Connections with Robert Veninga
- World Affairs Center, A Shambles Called Foreign Policy with Robert J. White, editorial page editor, Minneapolis Star & Tribune
- World Hunger and the Role of the United States by Dr. Martin McLaughlin
- World Hunger, an Overview by Dick Clark, former United States Senator from Iowa
Charles Mc Laughlin Lecture 1
Climate Change Conference 1
Gisela Knopka Memorial Lectures 1
Jean and Samuel Fischer Memorial Lectures 1
Minnesota Governors Day Dinner [1/3] 1
Minnesota Governors Day Dinner [2/3] 1
Minnesota Governors Day Dinner [3/3] 1
Minnesota Issues 233
- 1982 Elections with speakers Albert Quie and Warren Spannaus
- 1985 Legislature with speakers Jennings and Moe
- 9 to 5: The Working Woman with speaker Karen Nussbaum, author
- 911: A Number to Remember with speaker William Koniarski
- A Different Kind of Presidency with speaker Ted Sorenson
- A Friend to the Wayward with speaker Ben N. Berger
- Adolescents with speakers Anderson, Schwartz, and Eichter
- Alexander Haig Meets the Press with Alexander Haig
- Alternative Newspapers: New Voices on Press Row, with speakers Tom Bartel and Mark Hopp
- Another Run for the Senate? with speaker Eugene McCarthy
- Are Teachers' Strikes Inevitable? with speakers Gene Mammenga and William Wettergren
- Are We Losing The War with Crime? with speaker Chief Tony Bouza
- Arts High School in Minnesota with speakers Margaret Hasse and David Speer
- Biannium Budget Report with speaker Governor Rudy Perpich
- Black Community with speakers Glover, Staten, and Wilson
- Books with speaker Harrison Salisbury
- Building New Life for Philipinos with speakers Cryz and Planas
- Busy Americans: Does it Hurt or Help Minnesota? with speakers Howard Knutson and David K. Roe
- Cable Television with speakers Bremer, Herbst, and Martin
- Can We Plan A Prosperous Future? with speakers Walter Heller and Kevin Phillips
- Canterbury Downs with speakers Bowker and Wheelock Whitney
- Charting the Future of the Humphrey Metrodome with Charles Krusell, Harvey mackay, and Don Poss
- Chicano's Problems with speakers Pablo Dabila and Arturo Perez
- Child Abuse with speakers Geasin and Levitt
- Citizen Activism: Is it a Backyard Revolution? with speakers Harry Boyte and Tom DeWar
- Clean Up of the Mississippi River with speaker Barbara Lukermann
- Closing the Gender Gap with speaker Elizabeth Hall
- College Sports with speaker Paul Ziel
- Congressional Race in the 6th District with speakers Arnold Erdahl and Jerry Sikorsky
- Convention Center with speakers Fraser and Lindau
- Council on the Economic Status of Women with speakers Nina Rothebild and Marlene Reid
- Creating More Jobs with speakers Freeman and Forsythe
- Criminal Justice with speakers Andrew Rutherford, Luke Mulceman, and others
- Criminal Justice, Part 2 with speakers from the Humphrey Institute
- Delicate Balance with speaker Fred W. Friendly
- Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) Primary for Governor with speakers Rudy Perpich and Warren Spannaus
- Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) Senatorial Endorsement Part 1 with speakers John Derus and Wendy Anderson
- Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) Senatorial Endorsement Part 2 with Joan Growe and James Oberstar
- Discussion with Walter Heller
- Downtown Development: A Missed Opportunity? with speakers Friedman and Jacob.
- Dr. Spock and the Nuclear Freeze with Dr. Ben Spock
- Entrepreneur with speaker Irwin Jacobs
- Faith and Ferment: What Christians Believe with speakers Robert S. Bilheimer, David Prues, and John R. Roach
- Fighting for Equality: A Life of Service with speaker W. Harry Davis
- Fighting for Quality in a Time of Austerity with speaker C. Peter Magrath
- Financing Elections with speakers Archibald Cox and Bill Frenzel
- Financing the Biennium with speakers Roger Moe and Robert Ashbach
- First Impressions on Being Elected Governor with Rudy Perpich
- First Thoughts on Taking Office with speaker David Durenburger
- Fiscal Crunch with speaker George Latimer
- Football and the University with speakers Lou Holtz and Frank D. Wilkerson
- Free Trade in Agriculture with speakers Orv Freeman and Edward Schuh
- Future of Liberal Politics: Two Views with speakers Marv Davidoff and Dennis Wadley
- Governor's Plan with speakers Randall and Nielson
- Has St. Paul Really Turned a Corner? with speaker Mayor George Latimer
- Have Reforms Improved the Legislature's Operation? with speakers Steve Keefe and Rod Searle
- Helping the Elderly with speaker Daphne Krause
- Helping the Homeless: Are We Meeting the Problem? with speakers Bruce Kurtz and David Schultz
- Higher Education in Holistic View with speakers Clyde Angle, and C. Peter Magrath
- Higher Education with speakers Gerald Christenson, Peter Magrath, and John Wefold
- Hitting the Comeback Trail with speaker Rudy Perpich
- Horseracing with speakers Bruce Malkerson and Joyce Ferrell
- How Business Views the Problem of Rising Health Care Costs with speaker Irving S. Shapiro
- How Near to Collapse Is Public Education in Minnesota? with speakers Lewis Finch and Larry Harris
- How Serious Are the Budget Cuts? with speakers Kent Eklund, Bruce Nawrocki, Jo Nunn, and Jon Slater
- How Will Cuts in Welfare Affect Minnesotans? with speakers Arthur Nost, Luanne Neiburg, and Ann Wynia
- Hubert Humphrey with speaker Carl Solberg
- Human Rights with speakers Hixon, Huyen, and Johnson
- Independent Republican Primary for Governor with speakers Harold Stassen, Lou Wangberg, and Wheelock Whitney
- Indian Leadership: Problems and Potentials with Roger Jourdain and Ada Deer
- Individual Rights with speaker Warren Spanus
- Initiative and Referendum for Minnesota with speakers Jack Davies and Robert M. Benedict
- Interview with the Mayor of Minneapolis, Al Hoefsteade
- Is Professional Football in Serious Trouble? with speaker Alan Page
- Is The Court Usurping the Legislative Role? with speaker Federal judge Earl Larson
- Israeli Peace Movement: Does It Offer a Realistic Alternative? with speakers Meir Pa'il and Gad Ben-Ari
- Japanese Relocation with speakers Godron Hirabayoshi, Gladys Ashida, and Don Irish
- Jimmy Carter Meets the Minnesota Press with Jimmy Carter
- Lawyers Advertising
- Leading the University to Reform with speaker Ken Keller
- Leaving Minneapolis with speakers Sarah and James Lawless
- Legal Drinking - What's the Proper Age? with speakers Lee Greenfield and Howard A. Knutson
- Legislative Session - Interest Groups React
- Legislative Session with speakers Terry Fieben and Ron Seloff
- Light Rail with speakers Johnson and Perovich
- Local Governmental Finance with speakers Allan Rudell and Gordon Voss
- Look Back and Look Ahead with Mulford Q. Sibley
- Looking Ahead to 1979 with speaker Al Quie
- Looking Ahead to 1982 with speaker Warren Spannaus
- Megatrends with speaker Michael Annison
- Memories of Minnesota with speaker Harrison E. Salisbury
- Metro and Rural with speakers Borchert and Sethmers
- Metropolitan Council with speakers Sandra Gardebring and James Nobles
- Metropolitan Council with speakers Sandra Gardebring, John Boland, and James Hetland
- Minneapolis Looks Ahead with speaker Don Fraser
- Minneapolis Schools: Problems and Prospects with speaker Richard Green
- Minneapolis Truck Drivers Strike with speakers Hyman Berman, Martin Duffy and Peter Rachleff
- Minneapolis Votes Tomorrow: The Race for Mayor with speakers Mama D'Agostino, Don Fraser, Mike Barros, Tom McDonald, Stephen Thomas
- Minnesota Budget with speakers John Brandl and Harold Chucker
- Minnesota Center for Victims of Torture with speakers David Weissbrodt and Neal Vanselow
- Minnesota Court of Appeals with speakers Popovich and Sedgewick
- Minnesota Farmers with speakers Berg and Redalen
- Minnesota Jews with speakers Hyman Berman and Mort Ryweck
- Minnesota Pupils: Who Are They and What Should They Expect from Their Schooling? with speakers Barbara Bellair, Diane Hedin, and Michael Lovett
- Minnesota School System with speakers James Kelly, Van Mueller and Shirley Vionie
- Minnesota Teachers: Who Are They and What's Needed to Ensure Their Professional Excellence? with speakers Kathleen Cahil, Kenneth Howey, and Joe Nathan
- Minnesota Votes on Tuesday: What do the Polls Say? with speakers Bert Russick and Charles Backstrom
- Minnesota and Wisconsin: Rivals or Partners? with speakers Anthony Earl and Rudy Perpich
- Minnesota and the 1980 Democratic National Convention with speakers Richard Nolan and Warren Spannaus
- Minnesota's Homeless with speakers Sam Horowitz and Jan Smaby
- Minnesota's Income Tax Surcharge: What Should the Legislature Do? with speakers Rudy Perpich and Roger Moe
- Minnesota's International Relations Victory with speakers Vern Neppal and Rick Scott
- Money for the Arts with speakers Polly Brown, Ted Crawford, Cynthia Gehrig, and Stephen Keating
- Moral Decadence with speaker Nat Hentoff
- Moral Majority with speaker Paulo Sand
- Mortimer Adler Speaks
- Must We Close Hospitals to Contain Costs? with speakers Sandy Butler, Walter McClure, Charles Neerland, and Peter Sammond
- Nairobi Conference with speakers Bright, Fraser, and Otterness
- National Women's Conference with speaker Mary Peak
- Neighborhoods and Business: Partners or Adversaries? with speakers Don Fraser, Charles Krusell and Keith Olstad
- New Convention Center with speaker Brutger
- New Jobs with speakers John Brandl and Monnie Bate
- New Skyline for Minneapolis with speaker Cesar Pelli
- New Union Party with speakers Jeff Miller and Katherine Krick
- Nuclear Freeze: Two Views with speakers Terrence Hopmann and Madge Micheels-Cyrus
- Organ Transplants: Who Benefits? with speaker Dr. John Najarian
- Parimutual Betting: Pro and Con with speakers John Farrell and Jordan Lorence
- Philosophical Libertarianism: Is it a Workable Alternative? with speakers Chris Hocker and Frank Haus
- Planning for Austerity: The University Looks Ahead with speaker C. Peter Magrath
- Poland and Minnesotans with speakers John Scanlon, Chris Burkhardt, and Leonard Jankowski
- Police Chief Bouza's Record: Two Views with speakers Tony Bouza, Police Chief and James O'Meara
- Pornography: Can It Be Regulated? with speakers Sharon Sayles Belton and Steve Cramer
- Prairie Island Expansion: Should It Proceed? with speakers Bruce Johnson and Mark Wernick
- President Carter's Civil Service with speaker Alan K. Campbell
- Probing the Problem of Violent Crime in Minnesota with speakers David Word, Masa Moore-Foster, and Kruttschmitt, Candace
- Publishing Doctors' Names with speakers Bernard Casserly and Robert W. McCoy
- Race for Congress in the 1st District with speakers Tim Penny and Keith Spicer
- Race for Congress in the 2nd District with speakers Vin Weber and Todd Lundquist
- Race for Congress in the 6th District with Sikorski and Truman
- Race for Congress in the 7th District with speakers Strangeland and Peterson
- Race for State Auditor with speakers Arne Carlson and Paul Wellstone
- Raise Taxes or Cut Spending: The Decision for the Minnesota Legislature with speakers Harry Sieben and Glen Sherwood
- Recording with Geraldine Ferraro
- Recording with Helmut Schmidt
- Recording with Tony Gouza and Ron Edwards
- Recording with speaker Michael Harrington
- Red Lake Violence with speakers Stephanie Hanson and Larry Leventhaw
- Redistricting: Will the Legislature Default? with speakers Gerald Knickerbocker and Paul McCarron
- Refugees in Minnesota: Are We Meeting the Challenge? with speakers Theodore Hesburg, Nancy Latimer, Xang Vang, and Jane Knetzmann
- Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and Metropolian Transit Commission (MTC): Do We Need Them Both? with speakers Steven Novak, Lawrence Pogemiller, and Kathleen Vallenga
- Reinstitutionalizing the Mentally Retarded: Have We Gone Too Far Too Fast? with speakers Melvin Hecht and Luther Granquist
- Remembering Hubert Humphrey with speakers Orville Freeman and Jeane Kirkpatrick
- Remembering the Holocaust with speaker Elie Wiesel
- Rent Control - Why or Why Not? with speakers Brian Coyle and John Horner
- Republican View with speakers Charles Slocum and Vin Weber
- Retrospective on the Struggle for Equality with speaker Earl D. Craig Jr.
- Rudy Perpich
- Running for Re-election to U.S. Senate with speaker David Durenberger
- School Systems in Trouble - Is There a Way Out? with speakers Richard Green, Richard Pearson, and George Young
- School Vouchers for Poor: Will They Help or Hurt Public Education? with speakers John Brandt and Ruth L. Anderson
- Seeking the Republican Nomination for Governor, Part I with Robert Ashback, David Jennings, and Paul Overgard
- Seeking the Republican Nomincation for Governor, Part II with speakers Glen Sherwood and Lou Wangberg
- Should Minnesota Courts Permit TV Coverage? with speakers Hyam Segeil and Stan Turner
- Should Minnesota Have a State Lottery? with speakers Tom Osthoff and James Rice
- Should Minnesota Support a Human Life Amendment? with speakers Katherine Taylor and David O'Steen
- Should Political Use of Television Be Restricted? with speakers George H. Gruenwald and D.J. Leary
- Should the Minnesota Bar Establish Boards of Special Competency? with speakers David Brink and Stephen Rolfsrud
- Skyrocketing Real Estate Values with speaker Walter C. Nelson
- Small Business with speakers Bystrom, Erdman, and Little
- Space with speakers Frank Barnaby, Harold Stassen, and Schweickhart
- Speaker Ed Dirtswacker discusses welfare and medicaid
- St. Paul Race for Mayor with speakers George Latimer and Mike Fritz
- St. Paul Schools with speaker David Bennett
- State Highways and Bridges: The Budget Problem with speaker Jim Harrington
- State Spending
- State Tax Cut with speakers Donhowe, Johnson, and Schreiber
- Tax Bill with speakers Harry Sieben and David Jennings
- Tax Cut? with speakers Schrieber and Tomlinson
- Tax Disparities Program with speakers Lindan and Weaver
- Tax Future with speaker George Latimer
- Tax Increment Financing: Boon or Bane? with speakers James Holmes and Marv Hanson
- Tax or Cut with speakers Roger Moe and James Ulland
- Teddy Kollek, Mayor of Jerusalem
- The Consequences of Nuclear War with speaker Helen Caldicott
- The Curriculum: What and How are Minnesota Schools Teaching and What Changes Should They Consider? with speakers Judy Cooper, Margaret O'Shaughnessy, and Floyd Keller
- The Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB) Proposal with speakers Philip Helland, Clyde Ingle and Mary Phillips
- The Independent Sector - Can It Meet the Challenge? with speakers Vern Johnson, Russell E. Wald, Gleason Glover, and Brian O'Connell
- The Iron Range: What Kind of Future? with speakers Al France, John Borchert, and Eldon Kirsch
- The Minnesota Legislature with speakers Representative John Brandel, Democratic Farmer Labor party, and Senator James Enland, Independent Republican
- The Precinct Caucuses: What Will They Tell Us? with speakers Mary Monahan and Leon Distad
- The Reagan Program: How Will it Affect Health Care in Minnesota? with speakers David Durenberger, Teddy Lapaco, and Nancy Olson
- The Reagan Program: How Will it Affect the Minnesota Farmer? with speakers Cy Carpenter, Rudy Boschwitz, and Merlyn Lokensgard
- The State of the State with speaker Governor Al Quie
- The State's Money Problems: Is There A Way Out? with speaker Governor Al Quie
- The Supreme Court in Transition with speakers Douglas Amdahl and Robert Sheran
- The University of Minnesota's Constitutional Independence, Budget, and Educational Opportunities with speaker C. Peter MacGrath
- The Views from the United Nations with speakers Jeane Kirkpatrick and Harlan Cleveland
- Thoughts on Leaving with speakers C. Peter Magrath and Diane Skomars
- Thrift Institutions with speakers Michael Pint and E. Gerald Corrigan
- To Bus or Not to Bus? with speakers Ralph Crowder and Sam Richardson
- Tourism with speakers Johnson, Hewes, and Simonson
- Trade with China with speaker Han Xu
- Transportation Amendments with speakers Robert Pross, Richard Braun, and Robert Tennesen
- Twin Cities Airports with speaker Ray Glumack of the Metropolitan Airports Commission
- United Nations with speaker Andrew Young
- United States Intelligence with speaker Dave Durenberger
- United States Media with speakers Noam Chomsky and Kate Stanley
- United States and Soviet Amity with speaker Donald McHenry
- United States and the World: Economic Rivals or Partners? with speakers Anne Krueger and Walter Heller
- Views on the New Challenge with speaker Senator Rudy Boschwitz
- Walter Mondale on Post-Vice Presidency and Consideration for Running for Presidency
- Water: Is Minnesota Protecting Its Precious Resource? with speakers Richard Gray, Richard S. Hanson, and Thomas Kalitowski
- Welfare with speakers Kenny and Johnson
- What Can We Do With Our Hazardous Waste? with speakers Robert G. Dunn and Dee Long
- What Can We Expect from the New Congress? with speakers Tom Hagedoin and Martin Sabo
- What Hath the Legislature Wrought? with speakers Win Borden and David Roe
- What Should We Do About Constitutional Offices? with speakers Robert D. Sherran, Arne Carlson, Joan Growe, and Robert Mattson
- What Should the Parties Do? with speakers Arvonne Fraser and Wendell Anderson
- What is the Proper Role of the Minneapolis City Coordinator? with speaker David Nicholas
- What's the Economic Future of the Minnesota Farmer? with speakers Cy Carpentor and Philip Raup
- Where Are Politics Taking Us? Part 1 with speakers David Durenberger and Don Fraser
- Where Are Politics Taking Us? Part 2 with speakers Bill Frenzel and George Latimer
- White House Conference on Aging: A Minnesota Report with speakers Leonard Ramberg and Katherine Sehlin
- Who Owns the News? with speakers Donald Dwight and John Carmichael
- Why No-One Wants to Run with speakers Miller and Ford
- Will Farming Be Profitable Again? with speakers Cy Carpenter, Merlyn Lokensgard, and Philip Raup
- Will Intercollegiate Sports Survive?" with speaker Paul Giel
- Will Risk Sharing Solve Minnesota's Fiscal Problems? with speakers John D. Tomlinson and William Schreiber
- Will Savings Accounts for Everyone Save the Nation? with speaker Edwin C. Pemmerening
- William Ruckelshaus
- Workers Compensation with speakers Dan Gustefson and Winston Borden
- Workforce with speakers Rick Scott and Sam Walz
- Would Vouchers Improve Our Schools? with speakers Richard Green, Ralph Lieber, and Francis Scholtz