Entity | Library of Congress

Inception: 1800
Alternate Names: Library of Congress, Library of Congress (Washington, D. C.), Library of Congress Etats-Unis, Library of Congress (Washington, DC), Estados Unidos., Library of Congress, アメリカ合衆国議会図書館, 米国会調査局, AMN-i Azgayin Gradaran, LoC Abkuerzung, Bibliothèque du Congrès (États-Unis), ギカイ トショカン, 國會圖書館, Конгрессийн Номын Сан, Bibliothèque du Congrès, Stati Uniti. Library of Congress, LoC, L of C, Biblioteka Kongresu., Kongrêsi Gradaran, LC., Biblioteca del Congresso., Etats-Unis. Library of Congress, LC (Library of Congress), LoC (Library of Congress), Bibliothèque du Congrès, Washington (D.C.). Library of Congress, Kongressiĭn Nomyn San, SAD. Library of Congress, Bei Kokkai Chosakyoku, Biblioteca del Congreso de Washington, Biblioteca do Congresso dos Estados Unidos, Biblioteca del Congreso, Gikai Toshokan, Biblioteka Konhresu SShA, Biblioteka Kongressa, Sifriyat ha-Ḳongres, Mei-kuo kuo hui tʻu shu kuan, ベイ コッカイ チョウサキョク, Конгрессийн Номын Сан, Amerika Gikai Toshokan, Beikoku Gikai Toshokan, 議会図書館, Maktabat al-Kūnġris, LC Abkuerzung, Bibliothèque du Congrès Etats-Unis, Library of the United States, US Library of Congress, United States. Library of Congress, loc.gov, Congressional Library, LOC, LC
Associated Place(s): Washington, D.C., United States of America, Library of Congress
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 41
Documents 1
Library of Congress lectures 20
- Alan Kernow on New Zealand poets, part one
- Alan Kernow on New Zealand poets, part three
- Alan Kernow on New Zealand poets, part two
- Allen Nevins, part one
- Allen Nevins, part two
- Hall, Stafford, and Dickey, part one
- Hall, Stafford, and Dickey, part two
- James Dickey, part one
- James Dickey, part two
- John Barth, part one
- John Barth, part two
- Karl Shapiro, part one
- Karl Shapiro, part three
- Karl Shapiro, part two
- Pamela Travers, part one
- Pamela Travers, part three
- Pamela Travers, part two
- Yefgenyi Yevtushenko, part one
- Yefgenyi Yevtushenko, part three
- Yefgenyi Yevtushenko, part two