Entity | E. W. Ziebarth

E. W. ("Easy") Ziebarth (October 4, 1910 – February 27, 2001) was a Peabody Award winning radio broadcaster as well as a professor and administrator at the University of Minnesota. Born in 1910 in Columbus, Wisconsin, Ziebarth attended the University of Wisconsin–Madison for his undergraduate and master's degrees before coming to the University of Minnesota to begin his doctoral studies in speech and communication in 1937. : 1, 8 Ziebarth would remain at the University of Minnesota as a professor of speech for over 40 years. He also served as the dean of the College of Liberal Arts from 1963 to 1973 and as interim university president in 1974 after the departure of Malcolm Moos. Ziebarth also had a long career in broadcasting beginning at the University of Minnesota's Radio K (then called WLB). : 8 Later he joined WCCO Radio and also served as a foreign correspondence for CBS. His 1950s program This I Believe was broadcast internationally via Voice of America in six different languages. He was also involved in the initial setup of Twin Cities Public Television's studios on the University of Minnesota's St. Paul campus.
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Born: 1910, Columbus
Died: 2001, Minneapolis
Alternate Names: Ziebarth, E. W. (Elmer William), 1910-, Ziebarth, E. W., Ziebarth, Elmer William 1910-
Employer(s): University of Minnesota
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Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
University of Minnesota (WLB/KUOM) 56
Minnesota Trends 13
- A New Approach to Identifying and Helping Delinquent Children
- Getting Started in Farming
- Minnesota's Tax Burden
- Planning for Metopolitan Growth
- Political Participation Among Minnesotans
- School for Our Growing School Population
- Teaching and Subject Matter in Tomorrow's Schools
- The Changing Use of Minnesota Farm Land
- The Outlook for the Small Town
- The Trade and Industries of Our Small Cities
- Trends in Court Treatment of Youthful Offenders
- Trends in Minnesota Economic Welfare
- Trends in Public Response to Mass Media
Minnesota's Tomorrow: The Economic Future of Our Region 2
On the Spot Reports From Russia 11
- Program 1, Interview with John E. Turner, associate professor, political science on "Russian Economic Reorganization and Its Political Ramifications"
- Program 10, Robert T. Holt, assistant professor, political science "Questions Russians Ask Americans"
- Program 11, J. William Buchta and William S. Howell "General Overall Impressions"
- Program 2, Interview with Philip M. Raup, professor of agricultural economics on "The Russian Agricultural Economy"
- Program 3, William S. Howell, chairman and professor, speech department, "Radio Moscow - North American Service"
- Program 4, Thomas F. Magner, chairman and associate professor, Slavic languages department, "The Language Barrier," and "The Position of Religion in the Soviet Union"
- Program 5, J. William Buchta, associate dean, College of Science, Literature and the Arts on "Education"
- Program 6, Robert H. Beck, professor of education, "The Soviet System of Education"
- Program 7, Robert J. Holloway, chairman and professor of the Department of Business Administration, "Consumer Goods in Russia"
- Program 8, John R. Borchert, chairman and professor, geology department "Utilization of Natural Resources"
- Program 9, Francis M. Boddy, economics professor "The Soviet Economy"
Sidney Hillman Lectures 1
Social Science and Freedom 13
- Combating Restrictions on Freedom, Talk #1
- Combating Restrictions on Freedom, Talk #2
- Freedom in America, Talk #1, "Where Does America Stand on Freedom?"
- Freedom in America, Talk #2, "Where Does America Stand on Freedom?"
- Freedom in Mass Communication, Talk 1
- Freedom in Mass Communication, Talk 2
- Man's Struggle for Freedom Against Authority, by John B. Wolf, Professor of History
- Pressures on Universities
- The Nature of the Social Sciences, Talk #1
- The Nature of the Social Sciences, Talk #2
- Your Right to Knowledge and Your Right to Learn, Talk #1
- Your Right to Knowledge and Your Right to learn, Talk #2
- Your Right to Read
Society's Stake in Mental Health 10
- Introduction by Fred H. Blum, assistant professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, mental health and ethics with Elmer William Ziebarth, interviewer
- Mental Illness - The Nation's Gravest Health Hazard with Dale C. Cameron, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of Medical Services, Minnesota Department of Public Welfare
- Religion and the Maintenance of Mental Health by Paul E. Meehl, Professory of Psychology
- Sick Individual or Sick Society with Mulford Q. Sibley, Associate Professor of Political Science
- The Emotional Problems that Face Everyone with Fred Gross, Assistant Professor of Social Work
- The Mental Patient Returns to His Community with Maurice F. Connery, Assistant Professor of Social Work
- The Treatment of Mental Disorders - Conclusion with Robert D. Wirt, Assistant Professor of Psychology
- The Treatment of Mental Disorders - Introduction with Robert D. Wirt, Assistant Professor of Psychology
- The Types of Mental Illness, Conclusion with Richard Anderson, Associat Professor of Psychiatry
- The Types of Mental Illness, Introduction with Richard W. Anderson, Associate Professor of Psychiatry