Entity | University of Michigan

Inception: 1817
Alternate Names: ミシガン大学, Detroit (Mich.). University of Michigan, U of M, Université du Michigan., UMich Abkuerzung, Université du Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Michigan, Michigan University (Ann Arbor), Michigan. University, Detroit. University of Michigan, Mishigan-Daigaku, UM (University of Michigan), University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Mi-hsi-kên ta hsüeh, UM Abkuerzung, The University of Michigan., Mi-hsi-kên ta hsüeh., Mi-hsi-ken ta hsueh, Universite du Michigan, University of Michigan-Dearborn., University of Michigan., University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Univ of Michigan, umich.edu, UMich, U of Michigan, U Michigan Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan, UM
Associated Place(s): Ann Arbor, United States of America, Michigan--Detroit, Michigan--Ann Arbor, Michigan, Admission--Law and legislation, United States--Michigan, Law and legislation--United States, United States
Wikidata Record
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 331
American composer 1
Ancient European organs 24
- Abbey of Einsiedeln
- Adlington Hall
- Bahn bei Coburg
- Belgian organs
- Bossieres
- Church Paroissiale de Soiron
- Church in Machelen
- Church of Haringe
- Church of St. Ignatius
- Church of Thorembais-les-Beguines
- Church of the Jesuits
- Der Aa Church
- Eusebius Church
- Frederiksberg Chapel
- German organs
- Pontifical Institute of Music
- San Giuseppe Church
- Santa Maria dei Dereletti Church
- Scandinavian churches
- St. Bavo's Church
- St. Bavon's Cathedral
- St. Jacobi
- Trinity organ
- Vaxjo and Malmo organs
Behavioral science research 26
- Behavioral science and law, part five
- Behavioral science and law, part four
- Behavioral science and law, part one
- Behavioral science and law, part three
- Behavioral science and law, part two
- Communications media's role in science
- Computers as simulators
- Creativity
- Cultural difference and change
- Decision making in economics
- Ethics of human manipulation
- Future developments, part 1
- Future developments, part 2
- How behavior influences the economy
- Juvenile delinquency, part 1
- Juvenile delinquency, part 2
- Man and machines, part 1
- Man and machines, part 2
- Man in a group
- Marriage, divorce and family stability
- Performance and stress
- Religion and mental health
- Religion and science
- Research and government's role
- The decision process
- What is behavioral science?
Bluegrass and mountains 13
- Autoharp in old time music
- Banjo and fiddle in old time music
- Guitar in old time music
- Introduction to old time music
- Mandolin in old time music
- Old time music of historical interest
- Old time religious music
- Old time songs of idealized romance
- Old time songs of tragic romance
- Old-timey recordings of Dr. Edward Mellon
- The railroad in old time music
- The repetition of melodies in old time music
- Work songs in old time music
Business review 29
- Antitrust laws
- Balance of payments crisis
- Balance of payments deficits
- Banning advertising for cigarettes
- Business review #418
- Conglomerate firms
- Currency exchange rates
- DLJ goes public
- Economic growth
- Fixed exchange rates
- Government finance difficulties
- Group theory
- International monetary policies
- Ireland
- Leisure time crisis
- New business formations
- Nixon's approach to inflation
- Nixon's style of operations
- Oil in Alaska
- Pressure on the dollar
- Protecting investors
- Retail cooperatives
- Savings bonds
- Steel
- Suez Canal
- Travel time to airports
- Voluntary army
- Wage price guideposts
- Water issues
Christmas Special 1969 1
Classical drama 21
- Iphigenia at Tauris, part 1
- Iphigenia at Tauris, part 2
- Iphigenia at Tauris, part 3
- Orestes, part 1
- Orestes, part 2
- Orestes, part 3
- Orestes, part 4
- Philoctetes, part 1
- Philoctetes, part 2
- Philoctetes, part 3
- Seven against Thebes
- Seven against Thebes
- The birds, part 1
- The birds, part 2
- The birds, part 3
- The birds, part 4
- The birds, part 5
- The birds, part 6
- The brothers, part 1
- The brothers, part 2
- The brothers, part 3
Detroit Symphony Orchestra 47
- Beethoven, Strauss, Cohn, and Brahms, part 1
- Beethoven, Strauss, Cohn, and Brahms, part 2
- Beethoven, Strauss, Cohn, and Brahms, part 3
- Beethoven, Strauss, Cohn, and Brahms, part 4
- Berlioz, Mozart, Faure, and Ravel, part 1
- Berlioz, Mozart, Faure, and Ravel, part 2
- Berlioz, Mozart, Faure, and Ravel, part 3
- Berlioz, R. Strauss, and Respighi, part 1
- Berlioz, R. Strauss, and Respighi, part 2
- Berlioz, R. Strauss, and Respighi, part 3
- Berlioz, R. Strauss, and Respighi, part 4
- Brahms, Blomdahl, and Bartok, part 1
- Brahms, Blomdahl, and Bartok, part 2
- Brahms, Blomdahl, and Bartok, part 3
- Brahms, Blomdahl, and Bartok, part 4
- Dvorak, Hindemith, Nielsen, and Sibelius, part 1
- Dvorak, Hindemith, Nielsen, and Sibelius, part 2
- Dvorak, Hindemith, Nielsen, and Sibelius, part 3
- Dvorak, Ravel, and Respighi, part 1
- Dvorak, Ravel, and Respighi, part 2
- Dvorak, Ravel, and Respighi, part 3
- Hindemith, Falla, and Brahms, part 1
- Hindemith, Falla, and Brahms, part 2
- Hindemith, Falla, and Brahms, part 3
- Mozart, Schumann, Ibert, and Chausson, part 1
- Mozart, Schumann, Ibert, and Chausson, part 2
- Mozart, Schumann, Ibert, and Chausson, part 3
- Mozart, Schumann, Ibert, and Chausson, part 4
- Rossini, Mozart, Smetana, and Stravinsky, part 1
- Rossini, Mozart, Smetana, and Stravinsky, part 2
- Rossini, Mozart, Smetana, and Stravinsky, part 3
- Rossini, Mozart, Smetana, and Stravinsky, part 4
- Tchaikovsky, Ravel, and Dvorak, part 1
- Tchaikovsky, Ravel, and Dvorak, part 2
- Tchaikovsky, Ravel, and Dvorak, part 3
- Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Franck, and Chabrier, part 1
- Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Franck, and Chabrier, part 2
- Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Franck, and Chabrier, part 3
- Wagner, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, part 1
- Wagner, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, part 2
- Wagner, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, part 3
- Wagner, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, part 4
- Wagner, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, part 5
- Wieniawski, Prokofiev, and Sibelius, part 1
- Wieniawski, Prokofiev, and Sibelius, part 2
- Wieniawski, Prokofiev, and Sibelius, part 3
- Wieniawski, Prokofiev, and Sibelius, part 4
Law in the news 29
- Academic freedom
- Art values and the law
- Art world and the law
- Churches and the law
- Commissions on uniform state laws
- Constitutional law
- Consumer protection
- Credit and the law
- Defining freedom of expression
- Federal Trade Commission
- Freedom of expression for students
- Freedom of expression upon public questions
- Housing and urban development
- Law in the news #415
- Law in the news #416
- Lawyers and legal ethics
- Legal arrest procedures
- Marriage and divorce
- Nixon's council on consumer protection
- Persuasion
- Presidential elections and the law
- Probate
- Problems inherent in the transfer of power
- Product safety
- Psychiatric testimony
- Student protest and the law
- The Trouble With Lawyers
- Training lawyers around the world
- Uniform consumer codes
Medical research 32
- Diabetes, part 1
- Diabetes, part 1
- Diabetes, part 2
- Diabetes, part 2
- Drugs and their application
- Drugs and their application
- Epilepsy and multiple sclerosis
- Epilepsy and multiple sclerosis
- Hypertension and hypotension
- Hypertension and hypotension
- Leukemia
- Leukemia
- Neurological and muscular disease
- Neurological and muscular disease
- Research needs and future training
- Research needs and future training
- Surgery for Heart Disease, part 1
- Surgery for Heart Disease, part 2
- Surgery for heart disease, part 1
- Surgery for heart disease, part 2
- Surgery for heart disease, part 3
- Surgery for heart disease, part 3
- The public and communication in medical research
- The public and communication in medical research
- Tuberculosis, part 1
- Tuberculosis, part 1
- Tuberculosis, part 2
- Tuberculosis, part 2
- Tuberculosis, part 3
- Tuberculosis, part 3
- Virology
- Viruses
News in 20th century America 3
News in twentieth century America 29
- Behind the Iron Curtain
- Editorializing
- Education in journalism
- Freedom of information
- Is the public apathetic?
- News media compete, #1
- News media compete, #2
- News media compete, #3
- News media compete, #4
- Newspapers: Better than ever?
- Objective reporting
- President and the press, #1
- President and the press, #2
- Program #1: Foreign Corres.
- Race relations and the press
- Role of the Press Secretary
- Secrecy and security in Washington
- Sponsors and advertisers
- The United Nations reporter
- The Washington complex
- The Washington reporter
- The broadcast interview
- The columnist: Pressure and problem
- The community press
- The foreign correspondent
- The news magazine
- The newsman of the future
- The syndicated columnist
- The wire services