Entity | University of Minnesota

Inception: 1851
Alternate Names: University of Minnesota., University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), Universidad de Minnesota, Minesotas universitāte, State University of Minnesota., Minn. State University, U. Minn, State University (Minn.), UM., The University of Minnesota., Minesotas štats (Amerikas Savienotās Valstis). University of Minnesota, Minnesota. University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota (Minneapolis-St. Paul campus), Minnesota State University, UM Abkuerzung, Minnesota. University, Universidad de Minnesta, Universidade Minnesota, Univ. of Minnesota., U of M., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, The University of Minnesota, TwinCities, UMN, U of M, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Associated Place(s): Falcon Heights, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, United States of America, Minnesota, Minnesota--Minneapolis, Minneapolis (Minn.)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
University of Minnesota (WLB/KUOM) 44
- Christian Science Talking Book
- Farewell dinner held for Clarence Walton Lillehei during the Green Surgery two-day get-together
- Football stadium band music and sound effect with stadium announcer Julius Perlt
- Interview with Dan Raincloud and Louis Stately
- Josie R. Johnson, "What's ahead for the University?"
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Anna Stanley and Horace Huntley
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Charles Hill, Philip Upton; discussion of Commission members
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Cheston, Berman
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Don Dell
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Donald Smith
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Elmer Learn
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Frank Wilderson, President Moos
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Fred Lukerman and Donna Nutter
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, James Reeves
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Joe Kroll
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Lukerman, Galusha chair
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Lukerman, Meyer
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Meyer
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Milton Williams
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Milton Williams, Robert Ross
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Moos, Zander
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Paul Cashman
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, R.E. Summers, Donald Beatty, Charles Leisenfelt, John Fisher
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Ray Vernes, James McDonough
- Morrill Hall Investigating Commission hearings, Tape I
Hubert Horatio Humphrey Lectures 9
- American Foreign Policy as Seen From Capitol Hill, classroom lecture given in Latin American History
- Impact of Government Policy on the Economy, classroom lecture
- New Realities in an Old World, speech delivered at Law Recognition Day
- Political Geography and United States Priorities re: Strategic Areas, classroom lecture at Macalester
- The Development of the Nation, delivered at the annual meeting of the Minnesota League of Municipalities
- The Eisenhower years as seen from Capitol Hill, classroom lecture in Twentieth Century American History
- The Legacy of the New Deal, classroom lecture
- The Media and Political Persuasion, talk delivered to students of the Speech Department and the School of Journalism
- The University and the Students: A Changing Reality, delivered at the fall dinner meeting of the Associates of Macalester College shortly after his appointment
Minnesota Chippewa Interviews by Helen Parker Mudgett 7
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 68
Doctor tell me 30
- Academic competition and suicide
- Adverse reactions to medication
- Are there patients who want to be sick?
- College students and suicide
- Common cold
- Congenital heart defects
- Crash diets
- Doctor tell me #323
- Early symptoms of pregnancy
- Emergency health care training
- Emergency room care
- Fluid accumulation during pregnancy
- Function of the prostate gland
- How do we hear?
- How easy is it to catch a cold?
- Is fatigue common during pregnancy?
- Is fatigue common during pregnancy?
- Leg cramps during pregnancy
- Maintaining weight loss
- Most common forms of hearing loss
- New blood channels in the heart
- Personal factors in suicide
- Potential suicide patients
- Psychosomatic illnesses
- Remission
- Special diets for cancer
- Treating the common cold
- Weight gain during pregnancy
- When should a mole be removed?
- Why is suicide a paradox?
Ideas and the Theatre 13
- A matter of hopelessness: Arthur Miller and "Death of a Salesman."
- Can we have ideas in the Theatre?
- Freud, Psychoanalysis, and Broadway
- George Bernard Shaw
- Is the Theatre an influence?
- Religious drama
- Sex, fun and Jean Anouilh's waltz
- Social guilt in drama
- T.S. Eliot
- Tennessee Williams
- The despair and religion of Eugene O'Neill
- The theology of Graham Greene
- Where the artist is the enemy
Security and civil rights 12
- Adam Yarmolinsky
- Alan Barth
- C. Dickerman Williams, Dr. Harry Slochower and Ephraim London
- Dr. Marie Jahoda
- Dudley B. Bonsal
- Howard Smith
- James R. Wilson, Jr. and Patrick Murphy Malin
- Joseph A. Fanelli, Jr., Leo Lightner, Paul Porter, William Rogers, and Leonard Boudine
- Owen Lattimore
- Senator Hubert H. Humphrey and Congressman John Moss
- Series summary
- Telford Taylor