Entity | Ludwig van Beethoven

Born: 1770, Bonn
Died: 1827, Vienna
Alternate Names: Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827, Бетховен, Людвиг Ван, 1770-1827, Van Beethoven, Ludwig, 1770-1827, Beethoven, Louis de 1770-1827, Bītʹhūfin, Bīthūfin, Lūdfīġ fān 1770-1827, Betkhoven, Liudvig van, Beethoven, Luigi van 1770-1827, Beethoven, Ludvig van, Betchoven, Ljudvig van 1770-1827, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Beethoven, Ludwik van Beethoven, Ludvig van Beethoven, Louis van Beethoven, L. van Betkhoven, L. van Beethoven, L. v. Beethoven, L. Bethovenas
Occupation(s): composer, Composers
Field(s) of Work: string quartet, traditional folk song, string trio, chamber music, symphony, western classical music, opera
Associated Place(s): California--Berkeley, Austria, Germany, New Jersey--Princeton, Australia, Missouri--Saint Louis
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 20
1970 May festival 2
Beethoven: The man who freed music 13
- #1 Crawford: Beethoven in Prospect
- #10 Beethoven: His Chamber Music – The Piano Trios
- #11 Beethoven's Deafness
- #12 Toward the 9th Symphony
- #13 Beethoven in Retrospect
- #2 Crawford: Beethoven - the Figure
- #3 Holmquest: Beethoven - The Pianos He Knew and Played, and their Music
- #4 Beethoven: His Chamber Music
- #5 Beethoven: His Piano Compositions
- #6 The Songs of Beethoven
- #7 Psychology of Beethoven
- #8 Byrnside: Beethoven - His Symphonies
- #9 Beethoven: The Music He Heard