Entity | Walter Lippmann

Walter Lippmann (September 23, 1889 – December 14, 1974) was an American writer, reporter and political commentator. With a career spanning 60 years he is famous for being among the first to introduce the concept of Cold War, coining the term "stereotype" in the modern psychological meaning, as well as critiquing media and democracy in his newspaper column and several books, most notably his 1922 book Public Opinion. Lippmann also played a notable role in Woodrow Wilson's post-World War I board of inquiry, as its research director. His views regarding the role of journalism in a democracy were contrasted with the contemporaneous writings of John Dewey in what has been retrospectively named the Lippmann-Dewey debate. Lippmann won two Pulitzer Prizes, one for his syndicated newspaper column "Today and Tomorrow" and one for his 1961 interview of Nikita Khrushchev.
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Born: 1889, New York City
Died: 1974, New York City
Alternate Names: Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974, Липпман, Уолтер, 1889-1974, Lippmann, Walter, Lippmann, Walter, n. 1889, ليبمان، والتر، 1889-1974, リップマン, W, Lippman, Walter., Li-po-mêng, Hua-êrh-tʻo, 李博孟, 華爾脱, Lippman, Uolter 1889-1974, Li-po-mêng, Hua-êrh-tʻo, 李, 博孟, Lippmann, Volter, Lippman, Volter, Li-po-mêng, Hua-êrh-to, リ, ハクモウ, Ri, Hakumo, Lippmann, William 1889-1974, والتر ليبمان، 1889-1974, リップマン, ウォルター
Occupation(s): political analyst, journalist, politician, writer, Journalists, American author, Authors
Field(s) of Work: mass media, journalism, politics
Associated Place(s): United States, New York (N.Y.), Washington (D.C.), Soviet Union, Europe
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WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)