Entity | WAMU

WAMU (88.5 FM) is a public news/talk station that services the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. It is owned by American University, and its studios are located near the campus in northwest Washington. WAMU has been the primary National Public Radio member station for Washington since 2007. WAMU began as an AM carrier-current student radio station, signing on July 28, 1951 on 1200 kHz, before shifting to 590 kHz in March 1952 and 610 kHz in November 1952. Although carrier-current stations are not granted a license or call sign by the FCC, it used "WAMU" as a familiar form of identification. The station aired a wide range of student-produced programming including music, news, sports, radio dramas, and debates. The station was heralded as a rebirth of the university's prior radio station, WAMC, which operated on 590 kHz for about two years starting on January 15, 1947, broadcasting with a 50-watt transmitter as part of a plan to offer a full range of radio and television courses at American University. WMAC's operations were sporadic and the station suffered interference from a 50,000-watt station broadcasting from Mexico on the same frequency, but it finally went off the air after station equipment was stolen in 1950.
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Inception: 1951
Alternate Names: WAMU-FM (Radio station : Washington, D.C.), WAMU (Radio station : Washington, D.C.)
Associated Place(s): Washington, D.C., United States of America, Washington (D.C.)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 112
House hearings on public broadcasting 2
NER Washington Forum 59
- A U.S. Constitutional Convention?, part 1
- A U.S. Constitutional Convention?, part 2
- Abortion, part 1
- Abortion, part 2
- Agriculture issues
- American Dairy Farmers bill
- Anti-riot legislation
- Antiwar protestor Gary Rader
- Antiwar protestor Matthew Clark
- Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Glenn T. Seaborg
- Challenge to the Warren Commission
- Challenge to the Warren Commission, part one
- Columnist Robert Novak
- Comedian Mort Sahl
- Congressional Quarterly editors
- Congressional ethics
- Crime in America
- Crime in America
- Dr. Gunnar Myrdahl
- Dr. Werner Von Braun
- Election campaign reform, part 1
- Election campaign reform, part 2
- FBI counterspy John Huminik
- Farris Bryant
- Filmmaker Felix Greene
- General William C. Westmoreland
- Impact of the draft on colleges
- Muhammad Ali
- National economy
- New role of freshmen Congressmen
- Police riot control training, part 1
- Police riot control training, part 2
- Presidency and the Press
- Press coverage of the Vietnam War
- Problems facing American Indians
- Public Broadcasting Act of 1967
- Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, part five
- Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, part four
- Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, part one
- Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, part six
- Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, part three
- Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, part two
- Race relations in the United States
- Ralph Nader
- Rev. Ralph Abernathy
- Rev. William Sloane Coffin and Ossie Davis
- Rodent extermination
- Role of women in government
- Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman
- Strom Thurmond
- Teacher Corps
- UFOs and flying saucers
- United Nations Ambassador Arthur Goldberg
- Urban problems
- Veterans' home mortgage fraud
- Vice President Hubert Humphrey
- Vice President Hubert Humphrey
- Vietnam War: Field General's view
- White House Fellows program
National Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention 1968 2
National Association of Educational Broadcasters convention highlights 1968 8
Senate hearings on public broadcasting 10
Teach-in on Vietnam 2
The next fifty years 26
- Episode 10: Creating a New Standard of Life, reel 1
- Episode 10: Creating a New Standard of Life, reel 2
- Episode 11: Context of the Future...Youth, Tech, reel 1
- Episode 11: Context of the Future...Youth, Tech, reel 2
- Episode 12: A Nation's Policy for Its Future, part 1, reel 1
- Episode 12: A Nation's Policy for Its Future, part 1, reel 2
- Episode 13: A Nation's Policy for its Future, part 2, reel 1
- Episode 13: A Nation's Policy for its Future, part 2, reel 2
- Episode 1: Creating the Future Environment, reel 1
- Episode 1: Creating the Future Environment, reel 2
- Episode 2: Role of Art, Spirit, Science and Technology in the Future Environment, reel 1
- Episode 2: Role of Art, Spirit, Science and Technology in the Future Environment, reel 2
- Episode 3: Prologue to the Future, reel 1
- Episode 3: Prologue to the Future, reel 2
- Episode 4: A Future Filled With Change, part 1, reel 1
- Episode 4: A Future Filled With Change, part 1, reel 2
- Episode 5: A Future Filled With Change, part 2, reel 1
- Episode 5: A Future Filled With Change, part 2, reel 2
- Episode 6: The Future American Society, part 1, reel 1
- Episode 6: The Future American Society, part 1, reel 2
- Episode 7: The Future American Society, part 2, reel 1
- Episode 7: The Future American Society, part 2, reel 2
- Episode 8: Role of Business in the Future Society, reel 1
- Episode 8: Role of Business in the Future Society, reel 2
- Episode 9: The Urgent and the Important, reel 1
- Episode 9: The Urgent and the Important, reel 2