Entity | Agnes de Mille

Agnes de Mille
Agnes George de Mille (September 18, 1905 – October 7, 1993) was an American dancer and choreographer. Agnes de Mille was born in New York City into a well-connected family of theater professionals. Her father William C. deMille and her uncle Cecil B. DeMille were both Hollywood directors. Her mother, Anna Angela George, was the daughter of Henry George, the economist. On her father's side, Agnes was the granddaughter of playwrights Henry Churchill de Mille and Matilda Beatrice deMille. Her paternal grandmother was Jewish.
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Born: 1905, Harlem, New York City
Died: 1993, New York City

Alternate Names: De Mille, Agnes, De Mille, Agnes, 1905-1993, De Mille, Agnes, 1905-, De Mille, Agnes, 1909-, Mille, Agnes De 1905-1993, DeMille, Agnes, Purūdo, Agunesu de Miru, Mille, Agnes De, Prude, Agnes de Mille 1905-1993, DeMille, Agnes George 1905-1993, De Mille, Agnes George 1905-1993, DeMille, Agnes 1905-1993, Mille, Agnes ˜deœ 1905-1993, Purūdo, Agunesu de Miru, Purudo, Agunesu de Miru, Mille, Agnes George de 1905-1993, Purud̄o, Agunesu de Miru 1905-1993, Prude, Agnes de Mille
Occupation(s): dancer, theatrical director, choreographer, ballet master, ballet dancer, writer, Women dancers, Women authors, Choreographer, Performer
Associated Place(s): United States, Europe

Appears in:

National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 1