Entity | Arthur Naftalin

Arthur Naftalin (June 28, 1917 – May 16, 2005) was an American political scientist and politician. A member of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL), he served as mayor of Minneapolis from July 3, 1961, to July 6, 1969. He was the first Jewish mayor of Minneapolis. Naftalin was born in Fargo, North Dakota, one of four children of Sandel and Tillie Naftalin. He was married to Frances Healy Naftalin; among their children is Mark Naftalin, a musician. Their other notable children are David Michael Bismarck and Gail Marie Naftalin.
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Born: 1917, Fargo
Died: 2005, Minneapolis
Alternate Names: Naftalin, Arthur
Occupation(s): political scientist, politician
Associated Place(s): Minneapolis (Minn.), Minnesota--Minneapolis, Minnesota
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
University of Minnesota (WLB/KUOM) 330
Minnesota Governors Day Dinner [1/3] 1
Minnesota Governors Day Dinner [2/3] 1
Minnesota Governors Day Dinner [3/3] 1
Minnesota Issues 320
- "Can Minnesota Afford a World-Scale Zoo?" with James Hetland Jr. and Ed Kohn
- "The Precinct Caucuses: A Post Mortem," with speakers Forrest Harris and Robert Brown
- 1982 Elections with speakers Albert Quie and Warren Spannaus
- 1985 Legislature with speakers Jennings and Moe
- 9 to 5: The Working Woman with speaker Karen Nussbaum, author
- 911: A Number to Remember with speaker William Koniarski
- A Different Kind of Presidency with speaker Ted Sorenson
- A Friend to the Wayward with speaker Ben N. Berger
- A New Hospital for Burnsville? with speakers David L. Graven and Robert L. Hoffman
- Adolescents with speakers Anderson, Schwartz, and Eichter
- Alexander Haig Meets the Press with Alexander Haig
- Alternative Newspapers: New Voices on Press Row, with speakers Tom Bartel and Mark Hopp
- Another Run for the Senate? with speaker Eugene McCarthy
- Are Teachers' Strikes Inevitable? with speakers Gene Mammenga and William Wettergren
- Are We Losing The War with Crime? with speaker Chief Tony Bouza
- Arts High School in Minnesota with speakers Margaret Hasse and David Speer
- Biannium Budget Report with speaker Governor Rudy Perpich
- Black Community with speakers Glover, Staten, and Wilson
- Books with speaker Harrison Salisbury
- Budget Cuts and the Handicapped with speakers Richard Ramberg and Paula Goldberg
- Building New Life for Philipinos with speakers Cryz and Planas
- Busy Americans: Does it Hurt or Help Minnesota? with speakers Howard Knutson and David K. Roe
- Cable TV: Will It Serve the Public Interest? with speakers Joanne Showalter and Jim Townsend
- Cable Television with speakers Bremer, Herbst, and Martin
- Can Minnesota Business Guide the State's Future? with speakers Peter Gillette and Harold Chucker
- Can We Plan A Prosperous Future? with speakers Walter Heller and Kevin Phillips
- Can a City Make an Impact on the Energy Problem? with speakers George Latimer and Roger Staley
- Can the Stadium Survive Repeal of the Special Liquor Tax? with speakers John Cowles, Jr. and Ray Faricy
- Canterbury Downs with speakers Bowker and Wheelock Whitney
- Charting the Future of the Humphrey Metrodome with Charles Krusell, Harvey mackay, and Don Poss
- Chicano's Problems with speakers Pablo Dabila and Arturo Perez
- Child Abuse with speakers Geasin and Levitt
- Cities and Schools: Two Views of the State Budget with speakers Wayne Burggraaff and Don Hill
- Citizen Activism: Is it a Backyard Revolution? with speakers Harry Boyte and Tom DeWar
- Citizens Party with speakers Paul Hildebrandt and Kathryn Anderson
- Clean Up of the Mississippi River with speaker Barbara Lukermann
- Closing the Gender Gap with speaker Elizabeth Hall
- College Sports with speaker Paul Ziel
- Congressional Race in the 6th District with speakers Arnold Erdahl and Jerry Sikorsky
- Convention Center with speakers Fraser and Lindau
- Council on the Economic Status of Women with speakers Nina Rothebild and Marlene Reid
- Creating More Jobs with speakers Freeman and Forsythe
- Criminal Justice with speakers Andrew Rutherford, Luke Mulceman, and others
- Criminal Justice, Part 2 with speakers from the Humphrey Institute
- Delicate Balance with speaker Fred W. Friendly
- Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) Primary for Governor with speakers Rudy Perpich and Warren Spannaus
- Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) Senatorial Endorsement Part 1 with speakers John Derus and Wendy Anderson
- Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) Senatorial Endorsement Part 2 with Joan Growe and James Oberstar
- Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) vs. Independent Republican (IR) with speakers Mike Hatch and William Morris
- Discussion with Walter Heller
- Do We Need Sentencing Guidelines for Juveniles? with speakers Richard Erickson, Irz Schwarz, Allen Oliesky
- Downtown Development: A Missed Opportunity? with speakers Friedman and Jacob.
- Dr. Bruno Kreisky
- Dr. Spock and the Nuclear Freeze with Dr. Ben Spock
- Entrepreneur with speaker Irwin Jacobs
- Faith and Ferment: What Christians Believe with speakers Robert S. Bilheimer, David Prues, and John R. Roach
- Fighting for Equality: A Life of Service with speaker W. Harry Davis
- Fighting for Quality in a Time of Austerity with speaker C. Peter Magrath
- Financing Elections with speakers Archibald Cox and Bill Frenzel
- Financing the Biennium with speakers Roger Moe and Robert Ashbach
- Financing the University in the Next Biennium with speaker C. Peter MacGrath
- First Impressions on Being Elected Governor with Rudy Perpich
- First Thoughts on Taking Office with speaker David Durenburger
- Fiscal Crunch with speaker George Latimer
- Football and the University with speakers Lou Holtz and Frank D. Wilkerson
- Free Trade in Agriculture with speakers Orv Freeman and Edward Schuh
- Future of Liberal Politics: Two Views with speakers Marv Davidoff and Dennis Wadley
- Governor's Plan with speakers Randall and Nielson
- Grain embargo with speakers William Pearce and G. Shoe
- Has St. Paul Really Turned a Corner? with speaker Mayor George Latimer
- Have Reforms Improved the Legislature's Operation? with speakers Steve Keefe and Rod Searle
- Helping the Elderly with speaker Daphne Krause
- Helping the Homeless: Are We Meeting the Problem? with speakers Bruce Kurtz and David Schultz
- Higher Education in Holistic View with speakers Clyde Angle, and C. Peter Magrath
- Higher Education with speakers Gerald Christenson, Peter Magrath, and John Wefold
- Hitting the Comeback Trail with speaker Rudy Perpich
- Horseracing with speakers Bruce Malkerson and Joyce Ferrell
- How Business Views the Problem of Rising Health Care Costs with speaker Irving S. Shapiro
- How Can Minnesota Help the Energy Poor? with speakers Ken Nelson and Don Fraser
- How Can We Protect Human Rights in a Turbulent World? with speakers Max Kampelman, Davis Preus, and Max Shapiro
- How Important is the People-Mover to St. Paul's Future? with speakers David Shaf and Mike Fritz
- How Much Conservation Can Minnesota Afford? with speakers Charles Dayton and Ted Shields
- How Near to Collapse Is Public Education in Minnesota? with speakers Lewis Finch and Larry Harris
- How Serious Are the Budget Cuts? with speakers Kent Eklund, Bruce Nawrocki, Jo Nunn, and Jon Slater
- How Will Cable Television Effect Television in Minnesota? with speakers William H. Cobin and Sheldon Goldstein
- How Will Cuts in Welfare Affect Minnesotans? with speakers Arthur Nost, Luanne Neiburg, and Ann Wynia
- Hubert Humphrey with speaker Carl Solberg
- Human Rights with speakers Hixon, Huyen, and Johnson
- Independent Republican Primary for Governor with speakers Harold Stassen, Lou Wangberg, and Wheelock Whitney
- Independent Republican's Outlook with speaker Henry J. Saborcoul
- Indian Leadership: Problems and Potentials with Roger Jourdain and Ada Deer
- Individual Rights with speaker Warren Spanus
- Initiative and Referendum for Minnesota with speakers Jack Davies and Robert M. Benedict
- Initiative and Referendum with speakers Elmer L. Andersen and Harriette Burkhalter
- Interview with the Mayor of Minneapolis, Al Hoefsteade
- Is Minnesota Really Protecting the Consumer? with speaker Tobey Lapakko
- Is Plea Bargaining a Major Problem in Minnesota? with speakers Tom Johnson and Joseph P. Sommers
- Is Professional Football in Serious Trouble? with speaker Alan Page
- Is Public Education Entering An Innovative Era? with speakers Ruth Randall and Pius Lacher
- Is The Court Usurping the Legislative Role? with speaker Federal judge Earl Larson
- Is a Major Cut in State Taxes Really a Good Move? with speakers Salisbury Adams and John Brandl
- Is the Metropolitan Council Becoming Too Powerful? with speakers Connie Levi and Charles Weaver
- Israeli Peace Movement: Does It Offer a Realistic Alternative? with speakers Meir Pa'il and Gad Ben-Ari
- Israeli Show (discussion about the documentary) with speakers Smia Sidholm Peterson, Ceasar Ferrah, Samuel Chrislave, and Heiman Beirman
- Japanese Relocation with speakers Godron Hirabayoshi, Gladys Ashida, and Don Irish
- Jimmy Carter Meets the Minnesota Press with Jimmy Carter
- Labor Unions with W/AFL-CIO Union Leader Jan Gustafson
- Lawyers Advertising
- Leading a Deadlocked House with speakers Irv Anderson, Democratic-Farmer Labor and Rod Searle, Independant Republican
- Leading the University to Reform with speaker Ken Keller
- Leaving Minneapolis with speakers Sarah and James Lawless
- Legal Drinking - What's the Proper Age? with speakers Lee Greenfield and Howard A. Knutson
- Legislative Session - Interest Groups React
- Legislative Session with speakers Roger Moe and David Jennings
- Legislative Session with speakers Terry Fieben and Ron Seloff
- Legislators Examine the Alternatives with speakers Robert Ashbach, Roger Moe, Harry Sieben, and Glen Sherwood
- Light Rail with speakers Johnson and Perovich
- Local Governmental Finance with speakers Allan Rudell and Gordon Voss
- Look Back and Look Ahead with Mulford Q. Sibley
- Looking Ahead to 1979 with speaker Al Quie
- Looking Ahead to 1982 with speaker Warren Spannaus
- Mayoral Forum with speakers Mike Baros, Don Fraser, Tom McDonald, Charles Stanwick, and Gayle Swan
- Megatrends with speaker Michael Annison
- Memories of Minnesota with speaker Harrison E. Salisbury
- Metro Health Board
- Metro and Rural with speakers Borchert and Sethmers
- Metropolitan Council with speakers Sandra Gardebring and James Nobles
- Metropolitan Council with speakers Sandra Gardebring, John Boland, and James Hetland
- Minneapolis Looks Ahead with speaker Don Fraser
- Minneapolis Schools: Problems and Prospects with speaker Richard Green
- Minneapolis Truck Drivers Strike with speakers Hyman Berman, Martin Duffy and Peter Rachleff
- Minneapolis Votes Tomorrow: The Race for Mayor with speakers Mama D'Agostino, Don Fraser, Mike Barros, Tom McDonald, Stephen Thomas
- Minnesota Budget with speakers John Brandl and Harold Chucker
- Minnesota Business Climate with speakers Paulucci and Larson
- Minnesota Business Climate: Friendly or Hostile? with speakers David Roe, George Latimer, Winston Borden, and Don Larson
- Minnesota Center for Victims of Torture with speakers David Weissbrodt and Neal Vanselow
- Minnesota Court of Appeals with speakers Popovich and Sedgewick
- Minnesota Economy: What's In Store? with speakers Edward Foster, Gary sterm, and William Toal
- Minnesota Farmers with speakers Berg and Redalen
- Minnesota Issues # 67
- Minnesota Issues #13
- Minnesota Issues #45
- Minnesota Issues #54, Leadership of Governor Albert Quie with Albert Quie and Wendell Anderson
- Minnesota Issues #58
- Minnesota Jews with speakers Hyman Berman and Mort Ryweck
- Minnesota Political Parties: Public Financing, Crossovers with speakers George Farr and Bob Forsythe
- Minnesota Pupils: Who Are They and What Should They Expect from Their Schooling? with speakers Barbara Bellair, Diane Hedin, and Michael Lovett
- Minnesota School System with speakers James Kelly, Van Mueller and Shirley Vionie
- Minnesota School System with speakers Willis Ekon and Douglas Sillers
- Minnesota Teachers: Who Are They and What's Needed to Ensure Their Professional Excellence? with speakers Kathleen Cahil, Kenneth Howey, and Joe Nathan
- Minnesota Votes on Tuesday: What do the Polls Say? with speakers Bert Russick and Charles Backstrom
- Minnesota Zoo and the Cost of Maintenance with speakers Maryanne Scroggins and Gerald Hickstrom
- Minnesota and Wisconsin: Rivals or Partners? with speakers Anthony Earl and Rudy Perpich
- Minnesota and the 1980 Democratic National Convention with speakers Richard Nolan and Warren Spannaus
- Minnesota issues #47
- Minnesota issues #48
- Minnesota's Homeless with speakers Sam Horowitz and Jan Smaby
- Minnesota's Income Tax Surcharge: What Should the Legislature Do? with speakers Rudy Perpich and Roger Moe
- Minnesota's International Relations Victory with speakers Vern Neppal and Rick Scott
- Money for the Arts with speakers Polly Brown, Ted Crawford, Cynthia Gehrig, and Stephen Keating
- Moral Decadence with speaker Nat Hentoff
- Moral Majority with speaker Paulo Sand
- Mortimer Adler Speaks
- Must We Close Hospitals to Contain Costs? with speakers Sandy Butler, Walter McClure, Charles Neerland, and Peter Sammond
- Nairobi Conference with speakers Bright, Fraser, and Otterness
- National Test in Minnesota: The Race for Congress in the 6th District with speakers Vin Weber and Archie Bauman
- National Women's Conference with speaker Mary Peak
- Neighborhoods and Business: Partners or Adversaries? with speakers Don Fraser, Charles Krusell and Keith Olstad
- New Convention Center with speaker Brutger
- New Jobs with speakers John Brandl and Monnie Bate
- New Skyline for Minneapolis with speaker Cesar Pelli
- New Union Party with speakers Jeff Miller and Katherine Krick
- Nuclear Freeze: Two Views with speakers Terrence Hopmann and Madge Micheels-Cyrus
- On Being Civil Disobedient: When Conscience and Law Collide with speakers Tony Bouza, Marianne Hamilton, and Erica Bouza
- Organ Transplants: Who Benefits? with speaker Dr. John Najarian
- Parimutual Betting: Pro and Con with speakers John Farrell and Jordan Lorence
- Philosophical Libertarianism: Is it a Workable Alternative? with speakers Chris Hocker and Frank Haus
- Place and Space
- Planning for Austerity: The University Looks Ahead with speaker C. Peter Magrath
- Poland and Minnesotans with speakers John Scanlon, Chris Burkhardt, and Leonard Jankowski
- Police Chief Bouza's Record: Two Views with speakers Tony Bouza, Police Chief and James O'Meara
- Pornography: Can It Be Regulated? with speakers Sharon Sayles Belton and Steve Cramer
- Powerline, Protest, Abortion for the Poor with speaker Rudy Perpich
- Prairie Island Expansion: Should It Proceed? with speakers Bruce Johnson and Mark Wernick
- President Carter's Civil Service with speaker Alan K. Campbell
- Probing the Problem of Violent Crime in Minnesota with speakers David Word, Masa Moore-Foster, and Kruttschmitt, Candace
- Program with David Durenberger discussing HMO, energy, inflation, salt
- Public Financing in Elections with speakers Elizabeth Ebit and Henry Sevocoul
- Publishing Doctors' Names with speakers Bernard Casserly and Robert W. McCoy
- Race for Congress in the 1st District with speakers Tim Penny and Keith Spicer
- Race for Congress in the 2nd District with speakers Vin Weber and Todd Lundquist
- Race for Congress in the 6th District with Sikorski and Truman
- Race for Congress in the 7th District with speakers Strangeland and Peterson
- Race for State Auditor with speakers Arne Carlson and Paul Wellstone
- Race for the Senate with speaker Mark Dayton
- Raise Taxes or Cut Spending: The Decision for the Minnesota Legislature with speakers Harry Sieben and Glen Sherwood
- Recording with Geraldine Ferraro
- Recording with Helmut Schmidt
- Recording with Tony Gouza and Ron Edwards
- Recording with speaker Michael Harrington
- Red Lake Violence with speakers Stephanie Hanson and Larry Leventhaw
- Redistricting: Will the Legislature Default? with speakers Gerald Knickerbocker and Paul McCarron
- Refugees in Minnesota: Are We Meeting the Challenge? with speakers Theodore Hesburg, Nancy Latimer, Xang Vang, and Jane Knetzmann
- Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and Metropolian Transit Commission (MTC): Do We Need Them Both? with speakers Steven Novak, Lawrence Pogemiller, and Kathleen Vallenga
- Reinstitutionalizing the Mentally Retarded: Have We Gone Too Far Too Fast? with speakers Melvin Hecht and Luther Granquist
- Remembering Hubert Humphrey with speakers Orville Freeman and Jeane Kirkpatrick
- Remembering the Holocaust with speaker Elie Wiesel
- Rent Control - Why or Why Not? with speakers Brian Coyle and John Horner
- Republican View with speakers Charles Slocum and Vin Weber
- Retrospective on the Struggle for Equality with speaker Earl D. Craig Jr.
- Rudy Perpich
- Runaway Health Costs with speaker Carl Plateau
- Running for Re-election to U.S. Senate with speaker David Durenberger
- School Systems in Trouble - Is There a Way Out? with speakers Richard Green, Richard Pearson, and George Young
- School Vouchers for Poor: Will They Help or Hurt Public Education? with speakers John Brandt and Ruth L. Anderson
- Seeking the Republican Nomination for Governor, Part I with Robert Ashback, David Jennings, and Paul Overgard
- Seeking the Republican Nomincation for Governor, Part II with speakers Glen Sherwood and Lou Wangberg
- Sentencing Guidelines, Are They Working? with speakers Richard Kantorowicz and Jan Smaby
- Should Minnesota Abolish the Grand Jury System? with speakers Donald Barbeau and Crane Winton
- Should Minnesota Adopt the Initiative in Referendum, Should we Amend the Constitution? with speakers Charles Hallberg and Harry Sieben
- Should Minnesota Courts Permit TV Coverage? with speakers Hyam Segeil and Stan Turner
- Should Minnesota Have a State Lottery? with speakers Tom Osthoff and James Rice
- Should Minnesota Join the Call for a Constitutional Convention? with speakers Kenneth McDonald and Mike Sieben
- Should Minnesota Support a Human Life Amendment? with speakers Katherine Taylor and David O'Steen
- Should Political Use of Television Be Restricted? with speakers George H. Gruenwald and D.J. Leary
- Should the Minnesota Bar Establish Boards of Special Competency? with speakers David Brink and Stephen Rolfsrud
- Should the State Notify Parents in Matters of Sex? with speakers Joseph Niehaus and Rudy Perpich
- Should the University Faculty Support Collective Bargaining? with speakers George D. Green, Sam Popper, and Phil Schibley
- Skyrocketing Real Estate Values with speaker Walter C. Nelson
- Small Business with speakers Bystrom, Erdman, and Little
- Space with speakers Frank Barnaby, Harold Stassen, and Schweickhart
- Speaker Ed Dirtswacker discusses welfare and medicaid
- Speakers Earl Craig and Gerald Bridgeman discuss "How Can We Improve Police Work?"
- St. Paul Race for Mayor with speakers George Latimer and Mike Fritz
- St. Paul Schools with speaker David Bennett
- Star and Tribune: Recapturing the Old Glory? with speakers Roger Parkinson and Joel Kramer
- State Highways and Bridges: The Budget Problem with speaker Jim Harrington
- State Spending
- State Tax Cut with speakers Donhowe, Johnson, and Schreiber
- Surplus of State Funds with speaker Gerold Christianson
- Tax Bill with speakers Harry Sieben and David Jennings
- Tax Cut? with speakers Schrieber and Tomlinson
- Tax Disparities Program with speakers Lindan and Weaver
- Tax Future with speaker George Latimer
- Tax Increment Financing: Boon or Bane? with speakers James Holmes and Marv Hanson
- Tax Reform with speakers Walter Heller and Stern
- Tax or Cut with speakers Roger Moe and James Ulland
- Teachers' Right to Strike: Have We Gone Too Far? with speakers Lewis Finch and Don Hill
- Teddy Kollek, Mayor of Jerusalem
- The Case Against Nuclear Power with speaker Dean Abrahamson
- The Case for Nuclear Energy with speaker Alfred Nier
- The Consequences of Nuclear War with speaker Helen Caldicott
- The Curriculum: What and How are Minnesota Schools Teaching and What Changes Should They Consider? with speakers Judy Cooper, Margaret O'Shaughnessy, and Floyd Keller
- The Government and the Family with speakers Wayne Olthoff and Esther Wattenberg
- The Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB) Proposal with speakers Philip Helland, Clyde Ingle and Mary Phillips
- The Humphrey Institute Looks Ahead with speaker Harlan Cleveland
- The Independent Sector - Can It Meet the Challenge? with speakers Vern Johnson, Russell E. Wald, Gleason Glover, and Brian O'Connell
- The Iron Range: What Kind of Future? with speakers Al France, John Borchert, and Eldon Kirsch
- The Merit Principle and State Government with speakers Bob Currie and Barbara Sundquist
- The Minnesota Legislature with speakers Representative John Brandel, Democratic Farmer Labor party, and Senator James Enland, Independent Republican
- The Precinct Caucuses: What Will They Tell Us? with speakers Mary Monahan and Leon Distad
- The Reagan Program: How Will it Affect Health Care in Minnesota? with speakers David Durenberger, Teddy Lapaco, and Nancy Olson
- The Reagan Program: How Will it Affect the Minnesota Farmer? with speakers Cy Carpenter, Rudy Boschwitz, and Merlyn Lokensgard
- The Role of Religion, part 2 with speakers John R. Roach and Calvin W. Didier
- The State of the State with speaker Governor Al Quie
- The State's Money Problems: Is There A Way Out? with speaker Governor Al Quie
- The Supreme Court in Transition with speakers Douglas Amdahl and Robert Sheran
- The United States and Canada Relationship with speaker Alan Gotlieb
- The University of Minnesota's Constitutional Independence, Budget, and Educational Opportunities with speaker C. Peter MacGrath
- The View from the Senate with speakers State Senator Robert O. Ashbach, St. Paul, Minority Leader, and Nicholas D. Coleman, St. Paul, Majority Leader
- The Views from the United Nations with speakers Jeane Kirkpatrick and Harlan Cleveland
- Thoughts on Leaving with speakers C. Peter Magrath and Diane Skomars
- Thrift Institutions with speakers Michael Pint and E. Gerald Corrigan
- To Bus or Not to Bus? with speakers Ralph Crowder and Sam Richardson
- Tourism with speakers Johnson, Hewes, and Simonson
- Trade with China with speaker Han Xu
- Transportation Amendments with speakers Robert Pross, Richard Braun, and Robert Tennesen
- Twin Cities Airports with speaker Ray Glumack of the Metropolitan Airports Commission
- United Nations with speaker Andrew Young
- United States Intelligence with speaker Dave Durenberger
- United States Media with speakers Noam Chomsky and Kate Stanley
- United States and Soviet Amity with speaker Donald McHenry
- United States and the World: Economic Rivals or Partners? with speakers Anne Krueger and Walter Heller
- Views on the New Challenge with speaker Senator Rudy Boschwitz
- Walter Mondale on Post-Vice Presidency and Consideration for Running for Presidency
- Water: Is Minnesota Protecting Its Precious Resource? with speakers Richard Gray, Richard S. Hanson, and Thomas Kalitowski
- Welfare with speakers Kenny and Johnson
- What Can We Do With Our Hazardous Waste? with speakers Robert G. Dunn and Dee Long
- What Can We Expect from the New Congress? with speakers Tom Hagedoin and Martin Sabo
- What Caused Minnesota's Fiscal Crunch? Who's Responsible? with speakers Mike Hatch and Vern Neppel
- What Hath the Legislature Wrought? with speakers Win Borden and David Roe
- What Kind of Tax Cut? with speakers Senators Bill McCutcheneon and Robert Searles
- What Should Minnesota Do About Energy with speakers Representative John A. Ainley, Bemidji-Park Rapids, and Senator Hubert H. Humphrey III, New Hope
- What Should The Twin Cities Do About Mass Transit? with speakers Larry Dallam and Curt Johnson
- What Should We Do About Constitutional Offices? with speakers Robert D. Sherran, Arne Carlson, Joan Growe, and Robert Mattson
- What Should the Parties Do? with speakers Arvonne Fraser and Wendell Anderson
- What Went Wrong with the Legislative Session? with speakers Nicholas Coleman and Rod Searle
- What is the Proper Role of Religion in Public Affairs? with speakers John R. Roche, Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis and Calvin W. Didier, National President of Americans United for Separation of Church and State
- What is the Proper Role of the Minneapolis City Coordinator? with speaker David Nicholas
- What's the Economic Future of the Minnesota Farmer? with speakers Cy Carpentor and Philip Raup
- What's the Future of the Minneapolis Star? with speaker Stephen Isaacs
- Where Are Politics Taking Us? Part 1 with speakers David Durenberger and Don Fraser
- Where Are Politics Taking Us? Part 2 with speakers Bill Frenzel and George Latimer
- White House Conference on Aging: A Minnesota Report with speakers Leonard Ramberg and Katherine Sehlin
- Who Owns the News? with speakers Donald Dwight and John Carmichael
- Who's Hurting From the Recession? with speakers Diane Aarens, Thomas F. Beech, and Earl Craig
- Why No-One Wants to Run with speakers Miller and Ford
- Will Farming Be Profitable Again? with speakers Cy Carpenter, Merlyn Lokensgard, and Philip Raup
- Will Intercollegiate Sports Survive?" with speaker Paul Giel
- Will Risk Sharing Solve Minnesota's Fiscal Problems? with speakers John D. Tomlinson and William Schreiber
- Will Savings Accounts for Everyone Save the Nation? with speaker Edwin C. Pemmerening
- Will a Downtown People-Mover Really Help St. Paul? with speakers David Hozza and Frank Hammond
- William Ruckelshaus
- Worker's Compensation with speakers Steve Keith and C. Arthur Williams Jr.
- Workers Compensation with speakers Dan Gustefson and Winston Borden
- Workforce with speakers Rick Scott and Sam Walz
- World Trade with speakers Orville Freeman, Al Quie, and Harold Stassen
- Would Vouchers Improve Our Schools? with speakers Richard Green, Ralph Lieber, and Francis Scholtz
- Youth in the 1980s with four college student speakers
- ["Did 1979 Session Go Too Far with Tax Indexing...and other questions"]