Entity | Harry J. Skornia

Born: 1910
Died: 1991
Alternate Names: Skornia, Harry J. (Harry Jay), 1910-1991, Skornia, Harry Jay, 1910-...., Skornia, Harry J., Skornia, Harry J. 1910-1991, Skornia, Harry Jay 1910-1991, Skornia, H.J. 1910-1991, Skornia, H.J. 1910-1991 (Harry Jay),
Occupation(s): communication scholar, Collector
Field(s) of Work: communication studies, journalism, education
Employer(s): University of Illinois at Chicago
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 128
Documents 128
- American Council on Education, 1956
- Association for Education by Radio-Television, Correspondence, 1955-1956
- Association for Education by Radio-Television, Organizational structure, circa 1952-1956
- Ausmus, Graydon, Correspondence, 1951
- Ausmus, Graydon, Correspondence, 1952
- Ausmus, Graydon, Correspondence, 1953
- Ausmus, Graydon, Correspondence, 1954-1956
- Ausmus, Graydon, Correspondence, 1958
- Biographical data on NAEB leadership, 1953-1965
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1953
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1954
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1957-1958
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1959
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1960
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1961
- Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1962
- Board of Directors, Election of chairman, 1963
- Board of Directors, Membership issues, 1954
- Board of Directors, Minutes, October 1947
- Bretz, Rudy, 1953-1957
- Committees Network Acceptance, 1952-1954
- Committees Network Acceptance, 1956-1957
- Committees Program Acceptance, 1952-1962
- Committees Program Planning, 1953-1956
- Committees Public Relations, 1954-1957
- Committees Public Relations, 1958-1960
- Committees Public Relations, 1961
- Committees Publications, 1954-1964
- Committees Radio Network School, 1953-1956
- Committees, Research Seminar, 1952, January-September
- Committees, Research Seminar, 1952, October-December
- Committees, Research, 1958, January-April
- Committees, Research, 1958, May-December
- Committees, Research, 1959
- Committees, Research, 1960
- Committees, Research, 1961
- Committees, Research, Subcommittee on Grants-in-Aid, 1957-1962
- Committees, Resolutions, 1960-1965
- Executive Director, Policy statements, 1951-1973
- Executive Director, Search and selection, 1952-1953
- FM Multiplex, 1954
- Fact sheet, 1955-1957
- Fact sheet, 1958
- Foundations, Ford, 1958
- Foundations, Ford, 1959
- Foundations, Ford, 1960-1963
- Foundations, Hill, 1960
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1952-1953
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1954, January-June
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1954, July-December
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1955-1956
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1957
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1958
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1959
- Foundations, Kellogg, 1960-1962
- Foundations, Pacifica, 1953-1955
- Foundations, Rockefeller, 1953-1954
- Legislation, Roberts, Kenneth (Dem.- Alaska), 1962
- Legislation, Smather, George (Dem.- Florida), 1958
- Lerch, John, Correspondence, 1954-1958
- Management Service, 1953-1955
- McLuhan, Marshall, 1958
- McLuhan, Marshall, 1960-1963
- McLuhan, Marshall, Jan.-June, 1959
- McLuhan, Marshall, July-December, 1959
- Membership, Correspondence, 1943-1954
- Membership, Correspondence, 1956-1957
- Membership, Directories, 1956-1957
- NAEB Collected Presidential Documents (1954)
- NAEB Monitoring Study No. 7: Four Years of New York Television (1951-1954)
- NAEB Newsletter (April 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (April 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (August 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (December 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (December 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (February 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (January 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (January 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (July 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (July 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (June 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (June 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (March 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (March 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (May 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (May 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (May 31, 1948)
- NAEB Newsletter (November 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (October 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (October 1958)
- NAEB Newsletter (October 1960)
- NAEB Newsletter (September 1957)
- NAEB Newsletter (September 1958)
- NAEB Placement service, 1954-1955
- NAEB Region I Conference Report (April 8-9, 1955)
- NAEB Region IV Meeting (October 1954)
- NAEB Region IV Meeting Report (October 1, 1954)
- NAEB Region VI Seminar-Workshop Report (October 16-17, 1953)
- NAEB Television Operations Committee Reports - Survey of Educational TV Stations (September 1954)
- National Education Association, Department of Audio-Visual Instruction, 1952-1957 (Folder 01)
- National Education Association, Department of Audio-Visual Instruction, 1952-1957 (Folder 02)
- New York television monitoring project, 1952-1954
- Novik, Morris S., 1953-1954
- Officers of the NAEB, 1954
- Officers of the NAEB, 1955-1956
- Paulu, Burton, 1950-1960 (2)
- Personnel, 1952-1966
- Prix Italia, 1953-1956 (1)
- Prix Italia, 1953-1956 (2)
- Programs, Correspondence, 1953
- Programs, Proposals, 1958
- Publicity, 1954-1960
- Region I, 1955-1963
- Region II, 1959-1966
- Region III, 1953-1965
- Region IV, 1954-1961
- Region VI, 1953-1965
- Report on NAEB TV Management Consultation Service (May 1955)
- Scripts, 1953-1955, Letter From Italy
- Second Annual Radio Survey (December 1947 to January 1948)
- Tape Network, 1950-1953 (1)
- Tape Network, 1950-1953 (4)
- Tape Network, 1954-1963
- Tape Network, 1954-1963
- Tape Network, 1954-1963
- The National Association of Educational Broadcasters: A History (October 1954)
- Third Annual Radio Survey (1948-1949)
- Utilization project, Correspondence, 1959-1966 (1)