Entity | Max Rudolf

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Max Rudolf (June 15, 1902 — February 28, 1995) was a German conductor and music institute teacher. Rudolf was born in Frankfurt am Main, where he studied cello, piano, organ and trumpet. He was a composition student of Bernhard Sekles at the Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt. He held positions in Freiburg as assistant conductor at the Städtisches Theater, and as second conductor at the Hessisches Staatstheater in Darmstadt. In 1929, he became principal conductor of the German Theatre in Prague.
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Born: 1902, Frankfurt am Main
Died: 1995, Philadelphia

Alternate Names: Rudolf, Max, 1902-1995, Rudolf, Max, 1902-, Rudolf, Max (conductor), Rudolf, Max, Рудольф, Макс, 1902-1995, Rudolph, Max, 1902-1995
Occupation(s): music teacher, musicologist, conductor, Conductor
Field(s) of Work: music
Employer(s): Curtis Institute of Music
Associated Place(s): New York (State)--New York, United States

Appears in:

National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 35

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1971 1