Entity | Milton Mayer

Milton Sanford Mayer (August 24, 1908 – April 20, 1986), a journalist and educator, was best known for his long-running column in The Progressive magazine, founded by Robert M. La Follette Sr., in Madison, Wisconsin. Mayer, reared in Reform Judaism, was born in Chicago, the son of Morris Samuel Mayer and Louise (Gerson). He graduated from Englewood High School, where he received a classical education with an emphasis on Latin and languages. He studied at the University of Chicago (1925–28) but did not earn a degree; in 1942, he told the Saturday Evening Post that he was "placed on permanent probation in 1928 for throwing beer bottles out a dormitory window." He was a reporter for the Associated Press (1928–29), the Chicago Evening Post, and the Chicago American.
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Born: 1908, Illinois
Died: 1986
Alternate Names: Mayer, Milton, 1908-1986, Mayer, Milton Sanford, 1908-...., Mayer, Milton, Mayer, Milton (Milton Sanford), 1908-, Mayer, Milton 1908-, Mayer, Milton, dz. 1908, Mayer, Milton S., Mayer, Milton Sanford, nar. 1908, Mayer, Milton Sanford (1908-1986)., Sanford Mayer, Milton, マイヤー, ミルトン, Milton Sanford Mayer
Occupation(s): journalist, pedagogue, contributing editor
Field(s) of Work: self-realization, editing, journalism, religion, pedagogy, politics
Employer(s): University of Chicago
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Record
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 89
Voices of Europe 88
- "Prof. Schmidt" and "Frau Margarete Lehman"
- A. S. Neill, Paul Geheeb and Dr. Teresita Sandesky Scelba
- Abstract art
- Ade_le Heilborn and Agda Rossel
- Ailo Maegaard and Sven Fisker
- An Austrian on the United States
- Andre Maurois and Gunnar Myrdal
- Andre and Magda Trocme
- Baron Von Munchausen
- Bertrand Russell
- Black market
- Carl Friedrich von Weizs�_cker
- Claude Bourdet
- Countess Maria Goedela von Bismarck-Sch̦nhausen
- Don Manetti and Giovanni Pioli
- Dr. Alf Ahlberg and Gertrud Magaziner
- Dr. Carlo Levi and Dr. Riccardo Bauer
- Dr. Gerrit Jan van Heuven Goedhart
- Dr. Herbert Tingsten and Claude Petit
- Dr. Johannes Novrup and Peter Manniche
- Dr. John Rawlings Rees and Dr. Hans Hoff
- Dr. Mogens Fog and Gerald Bailey
- Dr. Renate Unkrodt
- Dr. Schmidt and Hilda Pabst
- Dr. Willem Visser t'Hooft
- Elisabeth Mann-Borgese and Kurt Rieder
- Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
- Elsa Adami and Nina Oulasevitch
- Emil Frederiksen and Knud Klem
- Erich Hoffmann
- Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
- European art treasures
- F.K. Otto Dibelius and Martin Stiencke
- First episode
- Five European students
- Friedrich Luft and Wolfgang Staudte
- G.D.H. Cole
- Gertrud Muller
- Gottlieb Duttweiler and Enriques Agnoletti
- Hallam Tennyson and voices on the street.
- Hannelore Altmeier and Fritz Schneider
- Hans Neumann and Frau Wagner
- Headley Whitehead
- Helmut Weber
- Hermann Trittlewitz and Dr. Edith Pulewka
- Herr Ernst-Heinrich Schaefer and M. Chazelle
- Horstmar Stauber and Walter Wolman
- Johan Hannak and Dr. Kurt Rothschild
- John Strachey and Paolo Vittorelli
- Josef L. Hromadka
- Judaism after World War II
- Kaspar Mayr and Major Jan Linzel
- Klause Kammler and Huguette Kailat
- Lauri Posti and Irmeli Viherjuuri
- Lionel Durand and Claude Terrail
- Lord Beveridge
- Lucy Gable and Ines Zilli-Guy
- Mademoiselle Hedy and Maire Halonen
- Mario Tosoni, Silvio Leonardi, and Adriano Olivetti
- Martin Niemo_ller and Karl Barth
- Max Habicht
- Meteorology and the Swiss film industry
- Nona Suminah Kamil and Dr. P. J. Koets
- Odd Nansen and Waltraud Skupin
- Olavi Aarnio and Dr. Olli Vaartaja
- Oswald Mosley
- Paolo Sylos Labini and Veniero Marsan
- Pastor Martin Niemo_ller
- Paul and Ingeborg Fent
- Percy Diggle and Joseph Keiling.
- Prince Valerio Borghese
- Professor Carl Friedrich von Weizs�_cker and Pastor Wilhelm Meusching
- Professor Carl Hermann and Eva Hermann
- Renato Mieli
- Reverend Michael Scott
- Robert Silvey and Robert Fabian
- Saarland
- Salvador de Madariaga and William Allen Jowitt
- Sir Herbert Broadley and Dr. P. F. Noach
- Sven Lindquist
- The Carmen story
- The Duke of Bedford and Lord Adams
- The population problem
- Veli Merikoski and Dr. Arvo Puukari
- W. Grigor McClelland
- Walter Gaupp
- Willy Kressman and Senator Bach
- Yvonne Brunoy and Maria Comberti