Entity | Ruth Underhill

Ruth Murray Underhill (August 22, 1883 – August 15, 1984) was an American anthropologist. She was born in Ossining-on-the-Hudson, New York, and attended Vassar College, graduating in 1905 with a degree in Language and Literature. In 1907, she graduated from the London School of Economics and began travelling throughout Europe. During World War I, she worked for an Italian orphanage run by the Red Cross. After the war, she married Charles C. Crawford and published her first book The White Moth. Her marriage ended in 1929 and by 1930, she decided to go back to school to learn more about human behavior. After speaking with Franz Boas and Ruth Benedict in the Anthropology Department at Columbia University, she decided to pursue the field, graduating with a doctorate in 1937. She wrote numerous books on Native American tribes and helped to dispel many myths about their cultures.
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Born: 1884, Ossining
Died: 1984, Denver
Alternate Names: Underhill, Ruth, 1883-1984, Underhill, Ruth Murray, 1884-1984, Underhill, Ruth, Underhill, Ruth M., Underhill, Ruth Murray, 1883-1984, Underhill, Ruth M., 1883-1984, Underhill, Ruth, 1884-1984, ʾUnderhil, Rut M., 1883-1984, アンダーヒル, R, Murray Underhill, Ruth 1884-1984, Underhill, Ruth M. 1884-1984, אנדרהיל, רות, Ruth Murray Underhill
Occupation(s): novelist, anthropologist
Associated Place(s): Colorado, United States
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WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)