Entity | Aldous Huxley

Born: 1894, Godalming
Died: 1963, Los Angeles
Alternate Names: Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963, Huxley, Aldous, Huxley, Aldous Leonard, 1894-1963, هكسلي، ألدوس، 1894-1963, הקסלי, אלדוס לאונרד, 1894-1963, Huxley, Aldous (Aldous Leonard), 1894-1963, Huxley, Aldous Leonard, 1894-1963, novelist, Хаксли, Олдос, 1894-1963, Huxley , Adoulf, הכסלי, אלדוס לאונרד, 1894-1963, הקסלי, אלדוס 1894-1963, ハックスレー, オルダス, Haksli, Oldas, Хаксли, О 1894-1963, Khŭksli, Oldŭs, 1894-1963, ハックスリイ, オルダス, Huxley, A. L. 1894-1963 (Aldous Leonard),, ハックスリ, オルダス, האקסליי, אלדוס, 1894-1963, هاكسلي، ألدوس، 1894-1963, ハクスレー, オールダス, Haksli, Oldos, Hukslī, Aldūs, 1894-1963, Huxley, Aldous Leonard., Huxley, Aldous L. 1894-1963, Hukslī, Aldūs 1894-1963, ألدوس هكسلي، 1894-1963, Haksli, A., Huxley, A. L. 1894-1963, ハクスレイ, Hakslijs, Oldess 1894-1963, ハックスリー, オルダス, Khaksli, Oldos 1894-1963, ハックスレイ, ハクスリー, オルダス, ハックスレー, オールダス, Khŭksli, Oldŭs 1894-1963, Chaksli, Oldos, Chaksli, Oldos 1894-1963, Aldous Leonard Huxley
Occupation(s): science fiction writer, prosaist, novelist, philosopher, professor, poet, screenwriter, Novelist, English, Authors, Authors, English
Employer(s): Écrits de Paris, Duke University
Associated Place(s): United States, Great Britain
Wikidata Record
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
WorldCat Identities Record (archived version)
Appears in:
National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) 14
What a piece of work is a man 14
- Ancient views of human nature, part 1
- Ancient views of human nature, part 2
- Contemporary picture, part 1
- Contemporary picture, part 2
- Human potentialities, part 1
- Human potentialities, part 2
- Individual in relation to history, part 1
- Individual in relation to history, part 2
- Symbols and immediate experience, part 1
- Symbols and immediate experience, part 2
- Visionary experience, part 1
- Visionary experience, part 2
- Why art?, part 1
- Why art?, part 2